climate change

  • Institute awarded grant for salmon studies

    Institute awarded grant for salmon studies

    22nd September 2022

    A research award has been granted to the Marine Institute’s Dr Joshka Kaufmann to investigate how quickly Atlantic salmon evolve to adapt to human-driven environmental change, reports Paul Scott. The SFI-IRC Pathway programme, an initiative between Science Foundation Ireland and…

  • Climate change and the future of fisheries

    Climate change and the future of fisheries

    25th August 2022

    Dr John K Pinnegar, director of the International Marine Climate Change Centre, Cefas presents an overview of the complex implications of the changing climate for fishermen With the UK experiencing some of the warmest weather on record, powerful images of…

  • Scottish blue carbon statement omits mention of industry

    Scottish blue carbon statement omits mention of industry

    5th May 2022

    A statement made by environment and land reform minister Mairi McAllan to the Scottish parliament on 21 April on ‘progressing Scotland’s leadership on blue carbon’ runs to 1,797 words – none of which are ‘fishing’. The closest the statement came…

  • Scottish fisheries and climate change survey launched

    Scottish fisheries and climate change survey launched

    18th November 2021

    The Scottish government has launched a survey to help it understand how ready the Scottish fishing sector is to respond to the climate change challenge. The survey launched during COP26 and is open until the end of November. It covers…

  • COP26: Futureproofing inshore fisheries

    COP26: Futureproofing inshore fisheries

    5th November 2021

    Flexibility is key to ensuring that the industry can meet climate challenges – but this poses particular difficulties for inshore fisheries, writes head of the Orkney Fisheries Association Hannah Fennell Climate change threatens the UK fishing industry as we know…

  • COP26: Bottom trawling and the climate crisis

    COP26: Bottom trawling and the climate crisis

    5th November 2021

    Reducing the carbon footprint of bottom trawling requires bold action from governments, and collaboration between fishers and environmentalists, writes Dr Steve Rocliffe, senior technical adviser at Blue Ventures Greenhouse gas emissions from the global food system are one of the…

  • COP26: A vital industry with a key part to play

    COP26: A vital industry with a key part to play

    4th November 2021

    Scottish cabinet secretary for rural affairs and islands Mairi Gougeon considers the role of Scotland’s fishing industry in responding to the climate emergency For two weeks this month, the eyes of the world will be on Glasgow as the UN…

  • COP26: Scottish mackerel and herring: Climate-smart food

    COP26: Scottish mackerel and herring: Climate-smart food

    3rd November 2021

    Their efficiency, coupled with the nutritional benefits of the catch, makes pelagic vessels part of the climate solution, writes Ian Gatt, chairman of the Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group The recently published report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…

  • COP26: Climate change and the seafood supply chain

    COP26: Climate change and the seafood supply chain

    3rd November 2021

    Futureproofing the industry is going to involve both reducing seafood impact on climate and adapting to climate impact on seafood, writes Angus Garrett, head of horizon scanning at Seafish You can’t access many newsfeeds these days without some mention of…

  • COP26: Processors must lead on sustainable production

    COP26: Processors must lead on sustainable production

    2nd November 2021

    Businesses need to rise to the climate challenge – but so do governments, says the team at leading processor Young’s Seafood Earlier this year, the Blue Food Assessment highlighted the critical role that aquatic foods will play in global food…


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