
  • Sprats make strong recovery in Clyde

    Sprats make strong recovery in Clyde

    18th August 2021

    Researchers at Aberdeen University say that sprats have recovered strongly in the Clyde. They say the biomass is now four times higher than it was in the late 1980s, and sprats are now ‘highly dominant over the historically more abundant…

  • Prawn fishing in the Clyde

    Prawn fishing in the Clyde

    16th October 2020

    David Linkie looks back to 2012 and a trip on the Campbeltown twin-rig trawler Shangri-La CN 394 The distinctive high-rounded profile of Davaar Island was just beginning to gain clarity against the first signs of a slowly lightening sky as…

  • Scottish government to pay costs of raising Nancy Glen

    Scottish government to pay costs of raising Nancy Glen

    20th February 2018

    Efforts to retrieve bodies of lost crewmen. Efforts are to be made to raise the Scottish trawler Nancy Glen that sank last month with the loss of two of her crew of three, reports Tim Oliver. Above: Cabinet Secretaries Fergus Ewing…

  • RACCE committee accepts contentious South Arran MPA

    8th February 2016

    Fishing communities united to maintain pressure on Scottish Government Clyde fishermen were dealt a devastating blow last week when the Scottish Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee (RACCE) rejected MSP Jamie McGrigor’s proposal to annul the fishing orders governing…

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