• SFO slams Scots landings target

    SFO slams Scots landings target

    12th December 2017

    Scotland and the UK’s biggest FPO has come out strongly against Marine Scotland’s proposals to force Scottish-registered vessels to land 55% of their catches in Scotland, reports Tim Oliver. In its reply to Marine Scotland’s consultation, the Scottish Fishermen’s Organisation…

  • Quotas up for North Sea shared stocks

    Quotas up for North Sea shared stocks

    11th December 2017

    But ‘choke’ worries as saithe transferred to Norway. Fishermen will have increased quotas in 2018 for five of the six North Sea stocks jointly managed by the EU and Norway, reports Tim Oliver. This was the outcome of the annual…

  • December Council: work underway on UK Fish Council issues

    December Council: work underway on UK Fish Council issues

    4th September 2017

    NFFO: ‘December talks still crucial until Brexit’ Problems facing fishermen over bass, skates and rays and spurdogs were among a wide range of issues discussed last week as vital pre-December Council talks between the industry and government got underway, reports…

  • Eustice: UK wants quotas that reflect EEZ resources

    Eustice: UK wants quotas that reflect EEZ resources

    14th August 2017

    But fair treatment for foreign vessels in UK waters. Fisheries minister George Eustice spelled out last week that when the UK leaves the EU, under international law, the responsibility for managing fisheries within the UK’s 200-mile/median line exclusive economic zone…

  • Carefully managed SW wrasse fishery

    Carefully managed SW wrasse fishery

    1st August 2017

    Devon and Severn IFCA is taking the lead in the South West to manage a developing sustainable wrasse fishery using light pots. Above: Wrasse. Wrasse are in demand from salmon farms because they are natural feeders on fish lice and…

  • No foreign boats inside 12 miles

    No foreign boats inside 12 miles

    10th July 2017

    UK pulls out of London Convention deal on 6-12 access. The government has put in motion steps to secure exclusive control over the UK’s 12-mile limit, reports Tim Oliver. DEFRA secretary Michael Gove announced last week that the UK has…

  • Minister: ‘Fisheries will be key area in Brexit talks’

    Minister: ‘Fisheries will be key area in Brexit talks’

    15th May 2017

    DEFRA’s top minister has assured the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation that fisheries will be ‘a key area in the EU exit negotiations’. Andrea Leadsom, Secretary of State at DEFRA, says Brexit will be ‘a once in a generation chance to regenerate…

  • NFFO blasts UK minister

    NFFO blasts UK minister

    10th January 2017

    ‘Eustice sacrificing English interests to appease Scots’ NFFO asks ‘who is fighting our corner?’ English fishing interests and quotas are being sacrificed to appease nationalist pressure in Scotland, and the UK minister is failing to defend English interests, reports Tim…

  • NFFO fury as cod quota set to move north

    NFFO fury as cod quota set to move north

    20th December 2016

    ‘Minister not looking after English industry interests’ UK fisheries minister George Eustice has come under heavy fire from the NFFO over a deal agreed between DEFRA and Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing to top slice 1,500t of north east Arctic…

  • Brixham to host high-profile king scallop conference

    Brixham to host high-profile king scallop conference

    11th October 2016

    The South Western Fish Producers Organisation, in association with Devon & Seven IFCA, will host a seminar conference on king scallops at the Brixham Laboratory of the Plymouth University next week, on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 October. Dr Kevin…

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