
  • Trawling and dredging case back in court

    Trawling and dredging case back in court

    27th March 2024

    An appeal by the Scottish government against the 2023 ruling that its failure to ban trawling and scalloping was in contravention of Scotland’s National Marine Plan, which sets out steps to protect the marine environment, was heard in Scotland’s highest…

  • Fury at Boris Johnson’s scallop gaffe

    Fury at Boris Johnson’s scallop gaffe

    1st November 2021

    PM rewrites fisheries policy on the hoof NGOs jumped upon comments made by prime minister Boris Johnson during a climate change question and answer session held with primary school children in the run-up to COP26, reports Andy Read. In his…

  • Greens call for Scottish three-mile trawl ban

    Greens call for Scottish three-mile trawl ban

    16th August 2021

    Lobbying bypasses IFG process, say opponents Pressure is growing in Scotland for a ban on bottom trawling and dredging within the country’s three-mile limit and inside Scottish MPAs, reports Tim Oliver. Our Seas, a coalition of more than 100 green…

  • Scallop fishermen dismayed by lack of parity in Blacksod Bay fisheries

    Scallop fishermen dismayed by lack of parity in Blacksod Bay fisheries

    23rd February 2016

    County Mayo scallop fishermen are infuriated that oyster dredging is set to commence in the same area where scallop dredging is banned, reports Pauric Gallagher. Scallop dredging was initially halted in Blacksod by fishermen voluntarily, to allow for measures to…

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