Freezer stern trawler

  • Kirkella – New Hull factory freezer trawler

    Kirkella – New Hull factory freezer trawler

    23rd May 2019

    Highly automated processing and plate freezing machinery delivering optimum product quality The advanced and highly automated processing machinery installed on the factory deck of UK Fisheries’ new Hull-based distant-water freezer stern trawler Kirkella H 7 is reported to have performed…

  • Boat of the Week: Kirkella H 7

    Boat of the Week: Kirkella H 7

    27th March 2019

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Kirkella H 7 LOA: 81.20m Built: Myklebust Verft AS Gursken Norway 2018 Type: Freezer stern trawler Home port: Hull We’ll be back next week with our latest…

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