
  • ‘What a mess!’: North Sea sandeel ban escalates into row with EU

    ‘What a mess!’: North Sea sandeel ban escalates into row with EU

    25th April 2024

    Last week saw two high-level political challenges to the UK’s implementation of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement with the EU – highlighting, says the NFFO, the UK government’s failure to achieve a ‘joined-up’ fisheries policy that recognises the key role…

  • French fury as UK announces 6-12 licences

    French fury as UK announces 6-12 licences

    4th October 2021

    Only 12 of 47 applications granted for under-12s French officials and politicians have reacted furiously to the UK publication of a list of EU under-12m vessels that will be licensed to fish in the UK six to 12-mile zone, reports…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 07.01.21

    New Issue: Fishing News 07.01.21

    5th January 2021

      – Brexit talks go to the wire – EU states fear ‘biggest catastrophe of our time’ – Disaster for seafood companies as French border closes – Exporters fear torrent of paperwork after 1 January – EU quote rollover ‘meaningless’…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 24.09.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 24.09.20

    22nd September 2020

      – Prawn sector needs help – New-look Beryl fishes her first trip – DEFRA: Supertrawlers ‘don’t damage seabed in MPAs’ – High stakes in Brexit talks – French vessel detained at Plymouth – Industry views needed on fishing vessel…

  • No 2018 scallop deal

    No 2018 scallop deal

    17th September 2018

    Scallop talks collapse as French pull out – Payments to under-15s scupper deal There will be no deal on scallop fishing in the Baie de Seine area in 2018, after the French industry pulled out of talks to finalise a deal…

  • Two-part scallop deal

    Two-part scallop deal

    10th September 2018

    Scallop deal for over-15s as French transfer effort Under-15s await details of compensation package Under-15m scallopers have been asked to stay away from the area, pending the outcome of further talks on compensation that were taking place in Paris on…

  • Dungeness lifeboat aids French fishermen

    Dungeness lifeboat aids French fishermen

    28th August 2015

    Dover Coastguard sent the Dungeness lifeboat to aid a 10m French fishing vessel taking on water, 11 miles southeast of Dungeness. Two people were on board the vessel. ​Once on scene, duty coxswain Roger Gillett, in command of the Shannon…


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