Girl Stephanie

  • Stormy start for Girl Stephanie

    Stormy start for Girl Stephanie

    18th January 2019

    Karstensens Shipyard completes second new midwater trawler for Galway family South-easterly gales with gusts up to 90 knots, as Storm Deirdre tracked rapidly across the North Sea, provided an immediate test for the new Girl Stephanie G 190, as the…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 17.01.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 17.01.19

    15th January 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Crewing fight goes on – DEFRA: ‘Get ready for no-deal Brexit’ – Severe weather impacts on first mackerel landings – NAFC fisheries scientists’ busy year – Stormy start for Girl Stephanie…

  • New Girl Stephanie named at Skagen

    New Girl Stephanie named at Skagen

    4th January 2019

    The new Co Galway midwater trawler Girl Stephanie G 190 arrived at Killybegs last week after being named at Skagen, where the vessel was built by Karstensens for owners Stephanie Flaherty and Patricia, Tomás and Pauric Conneely, reports David Linkie. Designed in-house by Karstensens for pumping pelagic fish at the…

  • Killybegs Port Profile  – Pt 2

    Killybegs Port Profile – Pt 2

    8th March 2016

    Continuing our look at Killybegs port, with a picture portrait of this busy harbour Atlantic Challenge prepares to come alongside Killybegs’ new pier at dawn on a quiet morning. Fiona K II heads out in fresh conditions. Polyvalent trawlers berthed in…


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