Green Party

  • SFA and greens issue joint call for gill-netting ban

    SFA and greens issue joint call for gill-netting ban

    13th June 2022

    Fishermen in Shetland have joined forces with the local Green party to demand a ban on gill-netting in Scottish waters. This has been a serious issue for over a decade, and the unlikely alliance between fishermen and greens is symbolic…

  • SNP and Scottish Greens in power-sharing deal

    SNP and Scottish Greens in power-sharing deal

    31st August 2021

    Curbs on fishing loom to protect marine environment The Scottish government and the Scottish Green Party parliamentary group have agreed to work together over the next five years in a deal that could have far-reaching implications for the Scottish fishing…

  • Greenpeace stops French fly-dragger fishing on MPA

    Greenpeace stops French fly-dragger fishing on MPA

    3rd August 2021

    Greenpeace activists stopped a French fly-shooter from fishing on an MPA off the Sussex coast last week. Onboard the Greenpeace vessel was local Green Party MP Caroline Lucas (Brighton Pavilion), who takes a keen interest in protecting MPAs. Caroline Lucas…

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