
  • Is the UK endorsing Nordic overfishing?

    Is the UK endorsing Nordic overfishing?

    10th July 2024

    AODH O DONNELL, CEO of the Irish Fish Producers’ Organisation offers an Irish perspective on the recent UK-Norway-Faroe mackerel deal The UK’s Trilateral deal with Norway and the Faroe Islands is raising concerns in Ireland about overfishing of mackerel in…

  • ‘Fight4Fishing’ campaign launched in Ireland

    ‘Fight4Fishing’ campaign launched in Ireland

    11th June 2024

    A new campaign to highlight issues affecting the Irish fishing industry in the run-up to the local and European elections has been launched in Donegal. The #Fight4Fishing campaign was launched at a hustings in Killybegs to hear the views of…

  • A Day In The Life Of: Northern Irish boatbuilder Gerry Smyth

    A Day In The Life Of: Northern Irish boatbuilder Gerry Smyth

    31st May 2024

    “I do enjoy watching a customer go away happy,” Kilkeel-based boatbuilder Gerry Smyth (pictured above, left, with Will Treneer, co-owner of the 14.95m Inter Nos PZ 46 – built by G Smyth Boats) told Fishing News. “I’ve always said that…

  • Mary Kate case heard by Irish parliament

    Mary Kate case heard by Irish parliament

    12th March 2024

    The case of the Irish fisherman who discovered serious stability issues with a Dutch-built trawler and was left with debts of €1m was presented to an Irish parliamentary committee late last month. The Joint Committee on Public Petitions and the…

  • Rockall row resurfaces

    Rockall row resurfaces

    12th December 2023

    Newly released documents have shed fresh light on discussions between the Scottish and Irish governments on the issue of fisheries access around Rockall – but an Irish industry leader has taken issue with reports that Scotland made serious efforts to…

  • Consultation on offshore wind south of Ireland

    Consultation on offshore wind south of Ireland

    13th September 2023

    The views of Ireland’s south coast fishing industry and coastal residents are being sought as part of a statutory public consultation on offshore wind energy developments. Ireland’s Department of Environment, Climate and Communications says that the initial proposed geographical area…

  • Industry critical of Irish MPA analysis

    Industry critical of Irish MPA analysis

    3rd August 2023

    Failure to address ‘key issues’ means report has ‘significant data gaps’ Two Irish fishing industry organisations have said that a recent ecological analysis of the western Irish Sea for MPA designation ‘should not be used’ for informing offshore renewable planning.…

  • Last voyage for decommissioned fishing vessels

    Last voyage for decommissioned fishing vessels

    22nd June 2023

    Two Irish vessels head to Denmark to be broken up Two Aran Islands fishing vessels which were approved for Ireland’s decommissioning scheme made their final trip earlier this month. The Connacht Ranger and Conquest in the Caledonian Canal en route…

  • SFPA landing obligation video ‘confusing’

    SFPA landing obligation video ‘confusing’

    6th June 2023

    ‘Easy-to-understand’ video launched ‘to support compliance’ A new video instructing Irish skippers on the correct use of electronic logbooks as part of the landing obligation has been criticised by the Irish South and West Fish Producers’ Organisation (IS&WFPO). The video,…

  • Irish skates and rays guide launched

    Irish skates and rays guide launched

    5th June 2023

    New ID guide aims to improve recording and stock assessment The Sea Fishers Protection Authority (SFPA) has launched a guide to help fishermen identify skate and ray species in Ireland. Sixteen species of skate and ray are regularly caught in…


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