
  • French fishermen plan Christmas blockade in licence row

    French fishermen plan Christmas blockade in licence row

    22nd December 2021

    More licences issued – but France wants 100 extra French fishermen were threatening further blockades of Channel ports in the run-up to Christmas if more licence applications to fish in UK and Jersey waters are not granted, reports Tim Oliver.…

  • French fishermen blockade ports

    French fishermen blockade ports

    6th December 2021

    French fishermen briefly disrupted trade at Calais, St Malo, Ouistraham and the Channel Tunnel rail link last weekend in their efforts to gain licences to fish in Jersey and UK waters. As they had warned, they have begun a campaign…

  • Additional quota for capped licence vessels remains open

    Additional quota for capped licence vessels remains open

    25th October 2021

    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has announced that it will accept new applications by capped licence vessels for additional quota until early December following a positive early response to its initiative. Under this scheme, which is being run in partnership…

  • Scrutiny of shellfish and under-15m scallop fleets

    Scrutiny of shellfish and under-15m scallop fleets

    26th July 2021

    DEFRA launches two major consultations in England DEFRA has launched two major consultations, in parallel, on the management of the shellfish and scallop sectors in England, reports Tim Oliver. One relates to views on whether latent capacity (unused licences and…

  • Vision for Scots future

    Vision for Scots future

    11th March 2019

    Wide-ranging debate on Scots industry future Scotland’s fishing industry is being asked to take part in a wide-ranging discussion on the Scottish government’s vision for the future of fisheries, reports Tim Oliver Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing launched a national…

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