marine environment

  • EU seeks ‘pact for fisheries and oceans’

    EU seeks ‘pact for fisheries and oceans’

    1st March 2023

    The European Union commissioner for environment, oceans and fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius says the EU is seeking to achieve a ‘pact’ between fisheries and the marine environment – but neither industry organisations nor environmental NGOs are happy about it, reports Lorna…

  • New review of small-scale fisheries monitoring in NE Atlantic

    New review of small-scale fisheries monitoring in NE Atlantic

    4th November 2021

    The Conserving Atlantic Biodiversity by Supporting Innovative Small-Scale Fisheries Co-management (CABFishMan) programme has released a comprehensive review of existing methods for data collection in North East Atlantic small-scale fisheries. The review, which includes contributions from fishermen, managers and scientists, sheds…

  • SNP and Scottish Greens in power-sharing deal

    SNP and Scottish Greens in power-sharing deal

    31st August 2021

    Curbs on fishing loom to protect marine environment The Scottish government and the Scottish Green Party parliamentary group have agreed to work together over the next five years in a deal that could have far-reaching implications for the Scottish fishing…

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