Mike Smylie

  • 50 years plus: Sheigra SY 7

    50 years plus: Sheigra SY 7

    31st October 2024

    Launched as UL 63 in 1971, this Macduff-built stalwart has clocked up a long career in the North West of Scotland By Mike Smylie John Watt started building his boats in 1940 at Gardenstown, in a partnership with his two…

  • ‘Legalised vandalism’

    ‘Legalised vandalism’

    28th April 2023

    Decommissioning in the 1990s and early 2000s led to the destruction of hundreds of seaworthy wooden boats – and a determined campaign to preserve a few for posterity The Forbes-built Kimara FR 176, which was decommissioned in 2002 – just…

  • 50 years and counting: Coral Strand II

    50 years and counting: Coral Strand II

    24th March 2023

    Mike Smylie traces the long fishing career of a well-known Manx scalloper… In 1940, during the upheaval of the Second World War, the firm of John Watt & Sons was founded. It proceeded to build lifeboats and motor boats in…

  • 50 years and counting: Jann Denise FR 80

    50 years and counting: Jann Denise FR 80

    1st September 2022

    Mike Smylie begins a new series on vessels in the UK fleet that were launched over half a century ago – and are still going strong Jann Denise working off Peel in 2021. A couple of years ago, when I…

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