Neil Witney

  • Channel fishermen welcome fly-shooting consultation

    Channel fishermen welcome fly-shooting consultation

    5th September 2022

    Defra announced last week a widespread consultation on the management of fly-shooting in UK waters, including an online survey The online survey is accessible here. The fishery is operated mainly by large Anglo-Dutch vessels, targeting non-quota species including red mullet,…

  • About Time – Trawling in the Channel from Newhaven

    About Time – Trawling in the Channel from Newhaven

    22nd March 2019

    Newhaven skipper Neil Witney and crewman Darren ‘Daz’ Fox welcomed Fishing News aboard the under-12m trawler About Time NN 8, to view a day’s fishing in the English Channel. John Periam and Geoffrey Lee report Neil Witney has been fishing…


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