new issue

  • New Issue: Fishing News 19.04.18

    New Issue: Fishing News 19.04.18

    17th April 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Ports Brexit Demonstrations • €2.2m capital investment programme for harbour projects in Ireland • Grimsby pair-trawl pioneer Jens Bojen, 1943-2018 • Refit to French-built vivier-crabber Pen Glas • Brixham beam-scalloper Golden Promise…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 12.04.2018

    New Issue: Fishing News 12.04.2018

    10th April 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Under-10 Brexit Fears – Clyde association pulls out of SFF‘ – Supermarkets ‘jumping the gun’ on discards ban – UK fleet sees highest fishing revenues on record – MMO looking for…

  • New Issue: 29.03.18

    New Issue: 29.03.18

    27th March 2018

    This week in Fishing News: • Industry Betrayed • EUFA: ‘Vital to maintain reciprocal access’ • Renaissance of East Anglian Fishing Conference • Deadline extensions for Seafish free fishing safety training • Sunderland Marine confirms the sale of Knighthood Corporate Assurance Services…

  • New issue: Fishing News 01.03.18

    New issue: Fishing News 01.03.18

    26th February 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Salmon fisherman wins compensation battle • Radical shake-up of fisheries after Brexit • BOTW: Q-Varl BM 29 • Conwy stalwart Ken ‘Rimmer’ Hughes dies (1928 – 2018) • New safety project…

  • New issue: Fishing News 22.02.18

    New issue: Fishing News 22.02.18

    22nd February 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Scottish government to pay costs of raising Nancy Glen • Open Seas-on on Shetland shellfish • BOTW: Jane Elizabeth WY 144 • £4.8m of funding for fisheries in Scotland • Irregular…

  • New issue: Fishing News 15.02.18

    New issue: Fishing News 15.02.18

    14th February 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • ‘Fishing must be exempt from Brexit transition’ • Bow anchor dedication marks 50th anniversary of Hull’s Triple Trawler Tragedy • BOTW: Ocean Dawn H 347 • Velvet crab fishery lost through…

  • New issue: Fishing News 18.01.18

    New issue: Fishing News 18.01.18

    15th January 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • ‘Ban electric fishing’ group tells Brussels • First mackerel of the year at Lerwick • BOTW: Ocean Spray SH 94 • Pictorial: Potting on Seahouses shellfish catamaran Standsure • Nostalgia: Hull…

  • New issue: Fishing News 11.01.18

    New issue: Fishing News 11.01.18

    9th January 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Gove: ‘Shorter Brexit transition period for fishing’ • OBE for NFFO president • BOTW: Courage SH 170 • Crewing problems ‘dire’ warns MPs • Feature: Longlining for Patagonian toothfish from the…

  • New issue: Fishing News 28.12.17/04.01.18

    New issue: Fishing News 28.12.17/04.01.18

    27th December 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • POs are failing small boat fishermen • Brexit transition plan ‘terrifying’ warns FFL • BOTW: Chloe Olivia BM 201 • Review of the Year 2017 • Feature: Newlyn beam trawler St…

  • New issue: Fishing News 21.12.17

    New issue: Fishing News 21.12.17

    19th December 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Comprehensive report: Overall 2018 TACs positive but some big cuts • Festive lights and spirit at Peterhead and Whitby • BOTW: Our Hazel UL 543 • North Uist orange lobsters delivered…


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