
  • Rebecca: Prawn twin-rig trawling overnight from Eyemouth

    Rebecca: Prawn twin-rig trawling overnight from Eyemouth

    26th November 2020

    David Linkie looks back to a night aboard Eyemouth skipper Alan Blackie’s twin-rig prawn trawler Rebecca LH 11 in August 2014 Although the dusk to dawn summer Nephrops fishery in southeast Scotland no longer attracts the number of boats it…

  • Step closer to fishermen’s memorial at Pittenweem

    Step closer to fishermen’s memorial at Pittenweem

    9th February 2018

    Pittenweem Fishermen’s Memorial Association (PFMA) has raised £18,000 in its first year and has two high-profile patrons who have pledged their support – former MP for NE Fife Ming Campbell, now Lord Campbell of Pittenweem, and broadcaster Edith Bowman. The…

  • Pittenweem photographed

    Pittenweem photographed

    6th October 2017

    Daily shellfish activity at Pittenweem, which is experiencing one of its best years on record, is portrayed in this selection of photographs taken in a 16-hour period by David Linkie towards the end of August, when the local fleet of…

  • Ports in the Past: Pittenweem

    Ports in the Past: Pittenweem

    11th February 2016

    Located on the East Neuk of Fife, on the north shore of the Firth of Forth, Pittenweem harbour has a longstanding tradition of fishing. The inshore prawn trawlers and creel boats that fish from Pittenweem today are a long way…

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