
  • Trawling and dredging case back in court

    Trawling and dredging case back in court

    27th March 2024

    An appeal by the Scottish government against the 2023 ruling that its failure to ban trawling and scalloping was in contravention of Scotland’s National Marine Plan, which sets out steps to protect the marine environment, was heard in Scotland’s highest…

  • Scallops in the Solent

    Scallops in the Solent

    27th August 2020

    A day’s fishing with a teenage skipper, supported by a thriving family business, reveals the potential for a brighter future for inshore fishing, reports John Periam. Photographs by Geoffrey Lee An opportunity arose for Fishing News to spend a day…

  • Lynn Princess LN 175 – back at work

    Lynn Princess LN 175 – back at work

    22nd November 2019

    A distinguished old lady has returned to the Wash after a facelift, some fetching changes to her topsides and other surgical reconstruction. John Worrall reports Lynn Princess – or some of her – is 50 years old. Built in Holland,…


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