
  • Scots processors demand urgent energy cost action

    Scots processors demand urgent energy cost action

    23rd August 2022

    Scottish seafood processors are demanding urgent action on rising energy costs, which they say are threatening to drive some factories out of business. In a letter to the two candidates to become prime minister, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, ahead…

  • Scottish three-mile ban: campaign continues

    Scottish three-mile ban: campaign continues

    2nd August 2022

    Despite several setbacks, Scottish static-gear interests and conservation groups took another step last week in their ongoing campaign to limit the use of mobile gears on the west coast. The Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation (SCFF) has completed the submission of…

  • Report on women in Scottish fishing industry published

    Report on women in Scottish fishing industry published

    21st July 2022

    A new report exploring the real-life experiences, challenges and opportunities of women working in the Scottish fishing industry has been published, reports Paul Scott. The ‘Women in Scottish Fisheries’ review was carried out last year by PhD student Katja Hržic…

  • Top chef named Scots seafood ambassador

    Top chef named Scots seafood ambassador

    14th July 2022

    Leading chef and restaurateur Monica Galetti has been named as an ambassador for Scottish seafood – the first appointment of its kind in the industry, reports Paul Scott. The celebrated chef will ‘lead the charge to encourage buyers, restaurant owners…

  • Norwegian firm sets up in Scotland

    Norwegian firm sets up in Scotland

    7th July 2022

    A Norway-based company that offers environmentally friendly solutions for refrigeration and freezing has established a new sales and service hub in Scotland, reports Paul Scott. The firm, PTG, says it has set up in Scotland to ‘intensify its focus on…

  • Industry leaders give verdict on UK Seafood Fund

    Industry leaders give verdict on UK Seafood Fund

    15th June 2022

    The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee held the first session of its inquiry into the UK Seafood Fund (UKSF) on 7 June, hearing from a range of key industry figures, reports Gaby Bartai. Launched in December 2021 as…

  • SFA and greens issue joint call for gill-netting ban

    SFA and greens issue joint call for gill-netting ban

    13th June 2022

    Fishermen in Shetland have joined forces with the local Green party to demand a ban on gill-netting in Scottish waters. This has been a serious issue for over a decade, and the unlikely alliance between fishermen and greens is symbolic…

  • Scots landings up 11% – but number of fishers down

    Scots landings up 11% – but number of fishers down

    27th May 2022

    Marine Scotland has published the Provisional Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics for 2021, showing an increase of 11% in landings of seafish and shellfish on 2020. The statistics include a summary of provisional data on landings by Scottish-registered vessels, the size…

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