
  • Growing concern about Sussex sedimentation

    Growing concern about Sussex sedimentation

    27th October 2022

    With fishermen from Selsey across to Hastings now reporting dead or dying crabs in their pots, and growing complaints about sedimentation of traditional potting grounds east of the Solent and all the way to Kent, that has ‘all but killed…

  • Potting on Predator

    Potting on Predator

    3rd October 2020

    A day’s potting from Selsey on Predator LI 556 underlined the importance of family and tradition in this south coast fishing community, reports John Periam. Photographs by Geoffrey Lee The limestone rocks around Selsey create an ideal habitat for lobsters…

  • Southeast England – 2018 review

    Southeast England – 2018 review

    6th December 2018

    Fishermen in southeast England show their determination to survive It has not been an easy year for the fishermen along the south coast. There have been highs and lows for many of them, as recorded in Fishing News over the…

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