
  • Raft of issues for east coast fishing industry

    Raft of issues for east coast fishing industry

    7th November 2023

    Medical certificates, NGO pressures on prawn trawling, a possible cod quota cut in 2024 and shellfish deaths linked to dredging in the river Tees are all major issues facing fishermen in the North East of England. These issues were spelled…

  • Whelk Fisheries: Solving the whelk riddle

    Whelk Fisheries: Solving the whelk riddle

    27th September 2023

    An insight into the research revolutionising how we approach whelk fisheries – part of one of the collaborative shellfish Fisheries Industry Science Partnerships By Jack Walker and Fiona Birch Once a popular street food in the bustling alleyways of Victorian…

  • Spotlight on ecological shellfish farming

    Spotlight on ecological shellfish farming

    21st September 2023

    The Fishmongers’ Company is hosting a free one-day conference in London on 30 November to highlight ‘nature-positive’ shellfish and seaweed farming. “The aim is to showcase the many benefits of this form of aquaculture and to highlight the exciting potential…

  • Shellfish welfare group launches ‘benchmark’ report

    Shellfish welfare group launches ‘benchmark’ report

    1st February 2023

    A report by a group campaigning for ‘humane’ treatment of crustacean shellfish such as crabs, lobster and Nephrops says that 50% of companies involved with seafood lack formal policies, reports Tim Oliver. In its report, ‘The Snapshot: Industry Benchmark on…

  • Berried lobster landings cost Cornish firm £26k

    Berried lobster landings cost Cornish firm £26k

    24th January 2023

    A Cornish shellfish firm and the skipper of one of its vessels have been fined for offences relating to landing berried lobsters, reports Paul Scott. Rowse Fishing Ltd and Ben Rowse, the owner and skipper of the vivier potter Emma…

  • Legal moves to halt Tees dredging

    Legal moves to halt Tees dredging

    12th January 2023

    North East fishermen call for urgent judicial review Fishermen in North East England have started legal proceedings over the mass die-offs of shellfish and other marine life in the Tees and North Yorkshire coast region, reports Tim Oliver. Lawyers Leigh…

  • NE die-offs ‘vastly increased’ after dredging restarted

    NE die-offs ‘vastly increased’ after dredging restarted

    2nd January 2023

    Fishermen are reporting that die-offs of shellfish and mass wash-ups of dead marine life on local beaches have ‘vastly’ increased since dredging in the river Tees resumed on 1 September, reports Tim Oliver. One of many photos of dead fish…

  • Storing stock for Christmas markets

    Storing stock for Christmas markets

    19th December 2022

    Errin Todd continues her series on using seawater tanks to maximise the quality and value of shellfish with a look at long-term storage of lobsters for premium festive sales Whilst most of our customers use the Lobster Pod and Crab…

  • Call for action as shellfish deaths continue

    Call for action as shellfish deaths continue

    7th December 2022

    With shellfish deaths in the North East of England still continuing more than a year after they began, inshore fishermen have urged the government to take urgent action to halt Tees dredging, reports Tim Oliver. ‡Local shellfish merchants have reported…

  • EFRA Committee to probe NE shellfish deaths

    EFRA Committee to probe NE shellfish deaths

    18th October 2022

    The cross-party Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee is to hold a hearing into the mass morality of shellfish off the Yorkshire coast since last October. The session will be held on Tuesday, 25 October. Stakeholders were invited to…


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