• Bluefin tuna licence controversy

    Bluefin tuna licence controversy

    24th June 2024

    Last year the UK opened an exciting new fishery for rod and line bluefin tuna. The fishery got off to a good start, with 10 licence holders gaining practical experience in how best to catch and land bluefin, building on…

  • ‘What a mess!’: North Sea sandeel ban escalates into row with EU

    ‘What a mess!’: North Sea sandeel ban escalates into row with EU

    25th April 2024

    Last week saw two high-level political challenges to the UK’s implementation of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement with the EU – highlighting, says the NFFO, the UK government’s failure to achieve a ‘joined-up’ fisheries policy that recognises the key role…

  • Agreement close on Faroe deal

    Agreement close on Faroe deal

    6th March 2024

    UK and Faroe negotiators were continuing to work on a fisheries deal for 2024 last week, and agreement was understood to be ‘imminent’. About 12 of the larger boats in the Scottish whitefish fleet work at Faroe at various times…

  • Mixed fortunes on 2024 TACs

    Mixed fortunes on 2024 TACs

    19th December 2023

    Talks on 2024 fishing opportunities between the UK, EU and Norway concluded last week with a deal that was broadly welcomed in Scotland, but much less so in the South West. There were increases in most of the stocks in…

  • Progress slow in TAC and fishing opportunity talks

    Progress slow in TAC and fishing opportunity talks

    29th November 2023

    Industry leaders following the negotiations on TAC and fishing opportunities in 2024 said last week that there was little progress to report. A series of bilateral meetings between the UK and Norway and the UK and EU, and trilateral talks…

  • ‘Disastrous’ wind auction paves way for increase in tidal power

    ‘Disastrous’ wind auction paves way for increase in tidal power

    21st September 2023

    The latest round of UK government energy auctions failed to attract a single bid from offshore wind developers, prompting many commentators to question the pricing strategy put in place. This, they say, failed to recognise that shortages of materials, parts…

  • New report revives ‘overfishing’ claims

    New report revives ‘overfishing’ claims

    20th September 2023

    The UK fishing industry has been reacting to a report published last week by the international NGO Oceana claiming that five key UK stocks, including western mackerel and North Sea cod, are ‘overfished or critically low’. Recognising that ‘half of…

  • Mackerel TAC row escalates

    Mackerel TAC row escalates

    19th September 2023

    A joint statement by Europêche and the European Association of POs (EAPO), released ahead of the upcoming coastal states meeting in London this week, has echoed scathing comments from the Irish industry about the bilateral deal in July between the…

  • Skilled Worker Visa guides published

    Skilled Worker Visa guides published

    14th September 2023

    Seafish has published a series of guides to help those in the industry employing non-UK nationals understand the Skilled Worker Visa process. In collaboration with Darren Stevenson of law firm Wiggin LLP, it has created five guides outlining the steps…

  • Call for debate on red diesel rebate

    Call for debate on red diesel rebate

    17th August 2023

    A new paper by a team of UK and Canadian researchers is calling for a debate on whether the fuel tax rebate on red diesel for commercial fishing vessels should be continued. It says the rebate costs the UK government…


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