
  • New short fishing safety films released

    New short fishing safety films released

    1st August 2023

    Following the success last year of a film designed to help inshore fishermen prepare for MCA safety code inspections, The Seafarer’s Charity has provided funds to make three new short films for all fishermen on different aspects of safe fishing…

  • SFPA landing obligation video ‘confusing’

    SFPA landing obligation video ‘confusing’

    6th June 2023

    ‘Easy-to-understand’ video launched ‘to support compliance’ A new video instructing Irish skippers on the correct use of electronic logbooks as part of the landing obligation has been criticised by the Irish South and West Fish Producers’ Organisation (IS&WFPO). The video,…

  • Campaign launched to promote Shetland landings

    Campaign launched to promote Shetland landings

    10th March 2023

    Land in Shetland, a joint campaign by Lerwick Port Authority and Shetland Islands Council (SIC) to encourage more skippers to land their catches to the islands’ fishmarkets, has launched the first in a series of promotional videos along with a…

  • Under-15m Code: New film for fishers

    Under-15m Code: New film for fishers

    24th October 2022

    The Seafarers’ Charity has funded a new information film to help fishermen meet the new MCA inspection standards. In partnership with the NFFO and supported by the Fishing Industry Safety Group, the film is aimed at helping all owners prepare…

  • RNLI reveals the tragic impact of deck machinery in its latest campaign

    RNLI reveals the tragic impact of deck machinery in its latest campaign

    25th January 2016

    The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has launched a campaign to keep commercial fishermen safe, with figures showing that 88 people were injured or killed in deck machinery incidents on fishing vessels in UK waters over the past five years. As well as encouraging skippers and vessel owners…

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