Notice is hereby given that Cory Environmental Holdings Limited, whose registered office address is at 10 Dominion Street, Floor 5, London EC2M 2EF, (the ‘Applicant’) proposes to make a Development Consent Order application (the ‘DCO Application’) under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero (‘Secretary of State’) for a Development Consent Order (‘DCO’) to authorise the construction, operation and maintenance of a new carbon capture facility, a new jetty facility and associated pipework connections, in Belvedere, London, known as the Cory Decarbonisation Project.
The scheme proposes to install carbon capture technology at both of the Applicant’s energy from waste facilities in Belvedere, Riverside 1 and Riverside 2. This includes permission for a new Proposed Jetty and the pipe and duct corridor routing/connections between them.
The development for which the DCO will be sought includes:
a) Construction and use of a carbon capture facility
b) Construction and use of a new jetty facility.
c) Construction and use of pipework connecting the two facilities.
d) Mitigation area
e) Changes to local road layouts
f ) Temporary construction compounds
Together, items a-f form the ‘Proposed Development’.
The DCO Application will seek the authorisation of the Proposed Development. The DCO may also include powers for the temporary possession of land; the extinguishment or overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land required for the Proposed Development; the application and/or disapplication of legislation relevant to the Proposed Development; permanent and temporary changes to the highway and public rights of way network; a deemed marine licence for those parts of the Proposed Development within or affecting the River Thames; and powers enabling tree and hedgerow removal, amongst other matters.
Environmental Impact Assessment
The Proposed Development is ‘EIA development’ for the purposes of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the ‘EIA Regulations’) and an Environmental Statement (‘ES’) will form part of the DCO Application for the Proposed Development. The Applicant has notified the Secretary of State in writing under Regulation 8(1)(b) of the EIA Regulations that it proposes to provide an ES in respect of the Proposed Development.
The ES will provide a detailed description of the Proposed Development and its environmental effects, as well as other matters required by the EIA Regulations. The Applicant has prepared a Preliminary Environmental Information Report (‘PEIR’), which sets out the Applicant’s preliminary view of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development based on the assessment undertaken to date. You can view the PEIR here at:
Consultation Documents
The PEIR, SoCC consultation brochure and feedback form (together the ‘Consultation Documents’) are available to view and comment on from Wednesday 18 October until 11.59pm on Wednesday 29 November 2023 from the Cory Decarbonisation project website (www.
The SoCC, Consultation Brochure and feedback form will also be available for inspection at the following locations:
If you have any enquiries in relation to the Consultation Documents, please call 0330 838 4254 or email decarbonisation@
The Applicant also plans to hold consultation events in the vicinity of the Proposed Development to provide an opportunity for the local community and stakeholders to view the proposals and speak to the project team. Copies of the SoCC, Consultation Brochure and feedback form will also be available at these events. The events will be held as follows:
Hard copies of the consultation materials will also be provided upon request. Copies of the public consultation brochure, feedback form and SoCC will be provided free of charge. The PEIR will be available to view online on our consultation website. The Applicant will respond to reasonable requests for copies of documents. Requests for hard copies will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. A reasonable copying charge may apply, to be paid by the recipient in advance. A hard copy of the PEIR will be charged at £300 and an electronic version on a USB storage stick will be charged at £10.
Responding to this Notice
The Applicant would welcome your views on the Proposed Development. The best way to do this is to fill out a feedback form, available on our website, at consultation events and in deposit locations, returnable by post free of charge. You can also respond to the consultation by:
- Email: decarbonisation@corygroup.
- Online:
When making a response or representation, please include your name, the organisation you are representing (if applicable) and an address where correspondence relating to the Proposed Development can be sent.
All responses and representations must be received by the Applicant no later than 11.59pm on Wednesday 29 November 2023. If you have any questions about the Proposed Development, you can contact us at the above details or by telephone on 0330 838 4254.
Your responses will be analysed by the Applicant and its appointed agents and may be passed in due course to the Secretary of State, the Planning Inspectorate and any other relevant statutory authorities so that your comments can be considered as part of the DCO Application process. Your responses may therefore be made public, however, we will request that your personal details are not placed on public record. For certain parties, those who own an interest in land or are affected by the Project, the Applicant is under a statutory duty to publish names and addresses as part of its DCO application. The Applicant and their appointed agents will hold your personal details securely and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. The Applicant’s Privacy Policy can be found on the project website: https://
The Applicant will use the personal details solely in connection with the consultation process and subsequent DCO Application and, except as noted above, they will not be passed to third parties.
Cory Environmental Holdings Limited October 2023