
  • Inshore Corner – More questions than answers

    9th October 2020

    The final (if not conclusive) part of the series on geometry in line fishing With four recent days of sluggish neap tides, fair winds and sunshine, my pal skipper Colin Barden and I carried out tests to discover the diving…

  • Lunar Bow: purse-seining for mackerel

    Lunar Bow: purse-seining for mackerel

    8th October 2020

    With the first Scottish pelagic vessels starting to fish North Sea mackerel southeast of Shetland last week, David Linkie looks back to a trip on the Peterhead midwater vessel Lunar Bow PD 265 in the second week of October 2014…

  • Potting on Predator

    Potting on Predator

    3rd October 2020

    A day’s potting from Selsey on Predator LI 556 underlined the importance of family and tradition in this south coast fishing community, reports John Periam. Photographs by Geoffrey Lee The limestone rocks around Selsey create an ideal habitat for lobsters…

  • Online screening tells An Ocean Story

    Online screening tells An Ocean Story

    1st October 2020

    The Scottish Fisheries Museum has teamed up with Netherlands-based charitable foundation By The Ocean We Unite to screen an insightful and moving environmental documentary. On Friday, 2 October from 7-9pm, the museum invites you to join it for an online…

  • A battle won in a losing war

    A battle won in a losing war

    27th September 2020

    Tom Watson, who skippered the Wyre Victory FD 181 during the second Cod War of 1972-3, recalls an encounter with an Icelandic gunboat in which Britain came out best There has been a lot in the press of late linking…

  • Readers’ Photos September 2020

    Readers’ Photos September 2020

    18th September 2020

    The photographs on this page have been sent in by Fishing News readers. A selection of readers’ photos will be printed whenever possible, and at the end of the year, £100 will be awarded to the reader whose photo is…

  • Unique Mourne herring skiff fishery

    Unique Mourne herring skiff fishery

    17th September 2020

    Skiff fishing for Mourne herring using drift-nets on inshore grounds off the Co Down coast from harbours like Annalong and Kilkeel is one of the most traditional and unique fisheries in the UK. The historical importance of the skiff fishery…

  • Plan to turn iconic Donegal boat into work of art

    Plan to turn iconic Donegal boat into work of art

    11th September 2020

    In 1977, the late Donegal fisherman Eddie ‘Beag’ Gillespie towed his boat Cara na Mara ashore because she needed two planks replaced. Forty-three years later, she is still on Magheraclogher beach near Bunbeg – and the community is raising the…

  • Serene: Trend-setting Whalsay midwater trawler fishing herring

    Serene: Trend-setting Whalsay midwater trawler fishing herring

    10th September 2020

    Featuring a full-length forecastle deck and rigged to pump pelagic fish over the stern, Serene LK 297 was the first of its class in the world when delivered to Whalsay skipper Bobby Polson and partners by West Contractors AS of…

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