Fishing nostalgia

  • Deal: tradition and change

    Deal: tradition and change

    11th March 2021

    In the Kent town of Deal, a ‘limb’ of the Cinque Ports, fishing is now mostly about preserving heritage, reports John Periam Fishing boats on Deal beach as recently as 2001. David Skardon’s boat Fair Chance with a day’s catch.…

  • Cordella: picturing the past

    Cordella: picturing the past

    20th February 2021

    In 1980, young photographer Alec Gill was invited to document a mackerel trip off the South West coast onboard Cordella H 177. Forty years on, he recalls the memories evoked by his pictures Deep-sea mission My camera is a passport…

  • Southwold Sailors’ Reading Room: nautical tales and temperance

    Southwold Sailors’ Reading Room: nautical tales and temperance

    4th December 2020

    A facility set up to improve the minds and morals of Victorian seafarers survives to celebrate east coast maritime heritage. John Worrall reports It may have been because of the presence of the already noted Sole Bay brewery – which was…

  • Radiant Star: seine-netting in Burra Haaf

    Radiant Star: seine-netting in Burra Haaf

    3rd December 2020

    David Linkie looks back to a day spent with Shetland skipper Victor Laurenson and crew of the Burra fly-shooter Radiant Star LK 71 in August 2010 Seine-net boats catching a wide selection of whitefish in coastal waters have been an…

  • Plan to turn iconic Donegal boat into work of art

    Plan to turn iconic Donegal boat into work of art

    11th September 2020

    In 1977, the late Donegal fisherman Eddie ‘Beag’ Gillespie towed his boat Cara na Mara ashore because she needed two planks replaced. Forty-three years later, she is still on Magheraclogher beach near Bunbeg – and the community is raising the…

  • Chris Andra: midwater trawling for herring

    Chris Andra: midwater trawling for herring

    21st August 2020

    As the 2020 North Sea seasonal herring fishing gathers momentum, David Linkie looks back 13 years to a trip on the new Fraserburgh midwater trawler Chris Andra FR 228  With the 2007 summer herring season drawing to a close, Chris…

  • Opportune: twin-rig prawn trawling

    Opportune: twin-rig prawn trawling

    17th July 2020

    David Linkie looks back 23 years to a five-day trip on the Fraserburgh twin-rig prawn trawler Opportune BF 19 Eight hours after throwing off the ropes, on the ‘back o’ Sunday night’ at the Broch, Opportune settled her gear in…

  • Gentle Barbara: Potting on beach-launched Filey coble

    Gentle Barbara: Potting on beach-launched Filey coble

    3rd July 2020

    In this occasional series, David Linkie looks back on fishing trips, some of them in fisheries now sadly consigned to history, that he has experienced over the past 30-plus years For generations of inshore fishermen, launching and hauling out boats…

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