
  • Renaissance of East Anglian Fishing Conference

    Renaissance of East Anglian Fishing Conference

    30th March 2018

    Turning over a new REAF ‘Fishing must not be traded away – again!’ was the vehement mantra of the Renaissance of East Anglian Fishing (REAF) conference at Lowestoft on 15 March, reports John Worrall Over 100 delegates from fishing, processing,…

  • Green group call to eat less cod and haddock

    Green group call to eat less cod and haddock

    29th March 2018

    The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has urged consumers to turn away from cod and haddock in favour of eating what it says are more sustainable but less popular species such as herring, dab, Cornish hake and mackerel. This is despite…

  • Industry betrayed

    Industry betrayed

    26th March 2018

    Government blasted as industry locked into CFP for three more years A torrent of outrage, anger and disappointment spilled out from across the UK industry last week after the announcement of the Brexit transition deal that will lock the UK…

  • Mooney Boats complete repairs to vivier-crabber Annie

    Mooney Boats complete repairs to vivier-crabber Annie

    23rd March 2018

    The vivier-crabber Annie B 988 was at Mooney Boats Ltd for some major repairs recently, after it went aground after suffering mechanical failure close to Fanad Lighthouse at the beginning of January, reports Pauric Gallagher. Annie B 988 ready to…

  • New issue: 22.03.18

    New issue: 22.03.18

    20th March 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Welsh shellfish exports at risk • Harvest Dawn N 82 transformed at Kilkeel • BOTW: Lynn Marie PL 178 • Stella Nova DA 57 delivered • Blue whiting fishery peaks at…

  • Welsh industry could be ‘left behind’ by Brexit

    Welsh industry could be ‘left behind’ by Brexit

    19th March 2018

    Vital shellfish exports at risk The majority of the Welsh fishing fleet and industry are likely to be worse off after Brexit, according to a new study, reports Tim Oliver This is because most of the Welsh fleet are small…

  • Fishing News Awards 2018 Shortlists announced

    Fishing News Awards 2018 Shortlists announced

    15th March 2018

    After a busy few weeks, the nominations for the Fishing News Awards 2018 have been collected and the shortlists drawn up for each of the categories. Nine of the categories will be decided by the public, while the remaining four …

  • Boat of the Week: Ocean Challenge BF 85

    Boat of the Week: Ocean Challenge BF 85

    15th March 2018

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Ocean Challenge BF 85 LOA: 21.3m Built: Macduff Shipyards Ltd  Macduff  2000 Type: Twin-rig trawler Home Port: Fraserburgh We’ll be back next week with our latest boat…

  • EU UK wide apart on fisheries Brexit

    EU UK wide apart on fisheries Brexit

    15th March 2018

    Chancellor sparks fears of sell-out The yawning gulf between the EU and the UK government over Brexit fisheries arrangements was made starkly apparent last week, after the EU set out the legal draft of its free trade negotiation guidelines, reports…

  • New issue: 15.03.18

    New issue: 15.03.18

    14th March 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • EU UK wide apart on fisheries Brexit • Overview of UK landings data 2017 • BOTW: Ocean Challenge BF85 • Fishing News Awards 2018 shortlists announced • NFFO: Take the politics…

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