
  • Cod, haddock and herring predicted to leave warming Scottish waters

    Cod, haddock and herring predicted to leave warming Scottish waters

    13th November 2017

    Cod, herring and haddock may vanish from Scotland’s west coast waters by the turn of the century because of global warming. Above: Marine ecologist Dr Natalia Serpetti. Researchers at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), near Oban, have predicted that…

  • Sparkling Star launched at Whitby

    Sparkling Star launched at Whitby

    13th November 2017

    Sparkling Star is scheduled to run engine and fishing trials later this month from Whitby, before heading north to start twin-rig trawling from Kinlochbervie. Above: Sparkling Star is scheduled to run trials later this month before heading home to Kinlochbervie. (Photo:…

  • Boat of the Week: Golden Sceptre PD 50

    Boat of the Week: Golden Sceptre PD 50

    13th November 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Golden Sceptre PD 50 LOA: 21.2m Built: Macduff Shipyards Ltd 2010 Type: Twin-rig trawler Home port: Peterhead We’ll be back next week with our latest boat focus.…

  • New issue: Fishing News 16.11.17

    New issue: Fishing News 16.11.17

    13th November 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Westminster accused of Brexit fisheries ‘power grab’ • Sparkling Star launched at Whitby • BOTW: Golden Sceptre PD 50 • Pictorial: Lerwick Harbour hosts large fleet of local and visiting mackerel…

  • Westminster accused of Brexit fisheries ‘power grab’

    Westminster accused of Brexit fisheries ‘power grab’

    13th November 2017

    Scots minister blasts Withdrawal Bill. Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing has slammed the UK government’s Brexit Withdrawal Bill that will roll over the landing obligation into UK law as ‘one of the most bizarre decisions on fisheries management I have…

  • Boat of the Week: Ygrainne SS 284

    Boat of the Week: Ygrainne SS 284

    9th November 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Ygrainne SS 284 LOA: 11.95m Built: Cygnus Marine Penryn 1981 Type: Netter Home port: Newlyn We’ll be back next week with our latest boat focus. Got some…

  • New issue: Fishing News 09.11.17

    New issue: Fishing News 09.11.17

    7th November 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: •No abuse of non-EEA crew in N Ireland • SFF calls for a fast track bridge to Brexit and a Scottish Seafood Council • BOTW: Ygrainne SS 284 • Feature: Asteria BRD…

  • No abuse of non-EEA crew in N Ireland

    No abuse of non-EEA crew in N Ireland

    6th November 2017

    ANIFPO commissions report on crewing issues. A new report on the employment of non-EEA crews on Northern Ireland vessels has found that the crews are treated well and that there is little or no evidence of slavery and trafficking in…

  • New builds October/November 2017

    New builds October/November 2017

    1st November 2017

    Shetland owners order new 75m midwater trawler Zephyr Whalsay skipper Allister Irvine and partners of the Zephyr Fishing Company Ltd have signed a contract with Larsnes Mekaniske Verksted AS to build a new 75.4m midwater trawler for delivery in the…

  • Salmon: over-precautionary approach

    Salmon: over-precautionary approach

    1st November 2017

    Salmon netsmen on the Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire coast again face a period of great uncertainty as regards to their future. With an interim Net Limitation Order coming up at the end of this year, lifelong netsmen are extremely concerned…

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