
  • £8.4m of EMFF funding announced for 86 projects in Scotland

    £8.4m of EMFF funding announced for 86 projects in Scotland

    18th August 2017

    Sea fisheries, aquaculture and processing businesses will receive a share of £8.4m funding to boost growth and protect jobs in their area. Above: The pier at Pierowall on Westray, Orkney is to be refurbished with the help of a £1.7m…

  • Work starts on North Shields fishermen memorial

    Work starts on North Shields fishermen memorial

    18th August 2017

    Work to create a lasting memorial to fishermen who have lost their lives at sea is now underway. The sculpture, named ‘Fiddler’s Green’, will stand proudly overlooking the North Sea on land near the sands at the Fish Quay in…

  • Boat news: Farnella H 135 and North Star WK 673

    Boat news: Farnella H 135 and North Star WK 673

    17th August 2017

    Farnella repaint nears completion The 40.2m stern trawler Farnella H 135 was returned to the water last week after being fully repainted inside the maintenance hall at Peterhead, reports David Linkie. Above: The refurbished and renamed North Star on Macduff Slipway…

  • High levels of herring activity at Peterhead

    High levels of herring activity at Peterhead

    16th August 2017

    The summer herring fishery in the North Sea is gathering momentum, with skippers reporting a good spread of marks across a wide area, reports David Linkie. Above: Wiron 5 and Wiron 6 landing frozen-at-sea and fresh herring to Northbay Pelagic at…

  • Victory Rose pairs up with her Whitby sistership Our Lass III

    Victory Rose pairs up with her Whitby sistership Our Lass III

    15th August 2017

    Whitby skipper James Locker and the crew of the new 26m whitefish vessel Victory Rose WY 34 were fishing their first trip this week in the North Sea pairing-seining with the almost identical Our Lass III WY 261, reports David…

  • New issue: Fishing News 17.08.17

    New issue: Fishing News 17.08.17

    15th August 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Eustice: UK wants quotas that reflect EEZ resources • High levels of herring activity at Peterhead • Boat news: Farnella H 135 and North Star WK 673 • Feature: Grateful FR 249…

  • Eustice: UK wants quotas that reflect EEZ resources

    Eustice: UK wants quotas that reflect EEZ resources

    14th August 2017

    But fair treatment for foreign vessels in UK waters. Fisheries minister George Eustice spelled out last week that when the UK leaves the EU, under international law, the responsibility for managing fisheries within the UK’s 200-mile/median line exclusive economic zone…

  • Nine new fishermen join the Cornish workforce

    Nine new fishermen join the Cornish workforce

    11th August 2017

    Nine new entrants to the fishing industry are now looking for their first experience of working at sea after completing their Introduction to Commercial Fishing (ICF), an intense and broad course, at Newlyn. Above: SCT tutor Andy Wheeler with the group…

  • Canadian lobster caught off Sunderland

    Canadian lobster caught off Sunderland

    10th August 2017

    Skipper Ray Manson and crew member Wick Ramsay of Snowy Owl SD 76 were shocked to find a Canadian lobster on Sunday 23 July when hauling pots off Sunderland. Ray Manson said: “I knew as soon as I saw it…

  • Faithlie FR 220 lands first trip in Peterhead

    Faithlie FR 220 lands first trip in Peterhead

    8th August 2017

    Fraserburgh skipper Davie Milne and the crew of the new 27.5m pair-seiner Faithlie FR 220 landed 1,200 boxes of well mixed fish into Peterhead at the end of last week after fishing their way home from Denmark with Audacious BF…

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