
  • Boat of the Week: Arcturus INS 167

    Boat of the Week: Arcturus INS 167

    8th August 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Arcturus INS 167 LOA: 24.56m Built: Campbeltown Shipyard 1984 Type: Pair-seiner Home port: Peterhead We’ll be back next week with our latest boat focus. Got some pictures…

  • New issue: Fishing News 10.08.17

    New issue: Fishing News 10.08.17

    8th August 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Illegal fishing danger if discarding continues after ban • Nine new fishermen join the Cornish workforce • Faithlee lands first trip in Peterhead • Feature: Henk Senior LH 356 • Canadian lobster…

  • Illegal fishing danger if discarding continues after ban

    Illegal fishing danger if discarding continues after ban

    8th August 2017

    Seafood industry demands action on LO enforcement. A leading figure in the global seafood industry has warned that failure to implement the EU discards ban effectively will threaten the sustainability status of some stocks, and could lead to the loss…

  • What lessons can we learn from the Americans on fishing?

    What lessons can we learn from the Americans on fishing?

    4th August 2017

    Holly Lynch, Shadow Fishing Minister, has just returned from a trip to the USA, and has blogged about her experiences. Above: Holly outside the Capitol Building. Earlier this week, I went to Washington with a delegation of MPs as part of…

  • At sea on the Newlyn netter Govenek of Ladram PZ 51

    At sea on the Newlyn netter Govenek of Ladram PZ 51

    2nd August 2017

    With Plymouth photographer Tony Fitzsimmons. In the last of his commission by Waterdance to photograph and document the fishing activity of boats working out of Brixham and Newlyn for a local company’s website (, photographer Tony Fitzsimmons captures the action…

  • Skerries boat Renown JW LK 52 refurbished at Whitby

    Skerries boat Renown JW LK 52 refurbished at Whitby

    2nd August 2017

    The Shetland scalloper/trawler Renown JW LK 52 is midway through a largescale refit at Whitby, reports David Linkie. Above: Renown JW at Whitby after being fitted with new gunwales amidships… Work currently being carried out on Skerries skipper John Anderson’s boat…

  • Carefully managed SW wrasse fishery

    Carefully managed SW wrasse fishery

    1st August 2017

    Devon and Severn IFCA is taking the lead in the South West to manage a developing sustainable wrasse fishery using light pots. Above: Wrasse. Wrasse are in demand from salmon farms because they are natural feeders on fish lice and…

  • Boat of the Week: Glen Alvah BM 388

    Boat of the Week: Glen Alvah BM 388

    1st August 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Glen Alvah BM 388 LOA: 28m Built: Padmos Machinefabriek Stellendam Holland 1974 Type: Beam scalloper Home port: Various We’ll be back next week with our latest boat…

  • New boats: Grateful FR 249 and Venture III BF 326

    New boats: Grateful FR 249 and Venture III BF 326

    31st July 2017

    Grateful – new 70m midwater trawler arrives at Fraserburgh The new midwater trawler Grateful FR 249 berthed in Fraserburgh harbour for the first time last week, 36 hours after skipper William Whyte and his crew left Skagen, Denmark, at the…

  • New issue: Fishing News 03.08.17

    New issue: Fishing News 03.08.17

    31st July 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • UK discards ban discussion • New boat news: Grateful and Venture II • Carefully managed SW wrasse fishery • Feature: Kindred Spirit LT 1048 • At sea on the Newlyn netter govenek…

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