
  • Outrage as MCS warns public off haddock

    Outrage as MCS warns public off haddock

    27th March 2017

    Scottish industry blasts Marine Conservation Society. Above: SFSAG haddock has held MSC accreditation since 2010. The Scottish industry is furious at advice to the public that North Sea and west of Scotland haddock stocks are at risk and consumption should be…

  • Heroes of the sea honoured at the Skill and Gallantry Awards

    Heroes of the sea honoured at the Skill and Gallantry Awards

    23rd March 2017

    The Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society is calling on members of the maritime community, and rescue organisations, to nominate colleagues and associates who have demonstrated outstanding skill and gallantry in rescuing those in peril at sea. Above: The Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society’s president, Admiral…

  • New ice plant for Scrabster

    New ice plant for Scrabster

    23rd March 2017

    Scrabster Harbour is set to maintain its position among the UK’s top fish landing ports following investment from the Scottish government and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) in a new ice plant, reports David Linkie. Above: Scrabster harbour – where UK…

  • Boat of the Week: Our Lass II DA 261

    Boat of the Week: Our Lass II DA 261

    22nd March 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Our Lass II DA 261 LOA: 21.5m Built: Parkol Marine Engineering Whitby 2007 Type: Twin-rig trawler Home port: Skerries We’ll be back next week with our…

  • Scottish government aims to grab fisheries control

    Scottish government aims to grab fisheries control

    21st March 2017

    The NFFO argues that the Scottish government’s determination to achieve Scottish independence threatens the future of the rest of the UK fishing industry. Notwithstanding the referendum result in 2014, in which the Scottish electorate rejected independence from the rest of…

  • New issue: Fishing News 23.03.17

    New issue: Fishing News 23.03.17

    21st March 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Industry leaders warn of discards ban chaos • Scottish government aims to grab fisheries control • Heroes of the sea honoured • New ice pant for Scrabster • Feature: CFL Hunter –…

  • Industry leaders warn of discards ban chaos

    Industry leaders warn of discards ban chaos

    20th March 2017

    Radical action needed to cope with choke species. Above: The common dab (Limanda limanda) is native to shallow seas around Northern Europe. Industry leaders north and south of the border are warning of a catastrophic situation if radical steps are…

  • Bass track record hope

    Bass track record hope

    17th March 2017

    Brussels queries UK bass track record rules. Aim is to stop extra fishing pressure Commission tells LIFE. The European Commission is questioning the transfer of bass track records from the licence to the boat and the inability to transfer track…

  • Boat news: March 2017

    Boat news: March 2017

    16th March 2017

    CFL Hunter – advanced diesel-electric longliner for Falklands Islands Above: CFL Hunter ready for launch at the Nodosa shipyard – and the month-long delivery trip to the Falkland Islands. The recent launch of the 59.5m state-of-the-art freezer longliner CFL Hunter FK…

  • New issue: Fishing News 16.03.17

    New issue: Fishing News 16.03.17

    15th March 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Bass track record hope • Crew safely rescued on Shetland trawler • New boats: CFL Hunter and Mylarose • Solent netters defend fishery • Nation urged to get hooked on seafood • Poole Harbour fishermen progress…

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