
  • New issue: Fishing News 12.01.17

    New issue: Fishing News 12.01.17

    10th January 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • NFFO blasts UK minister • Scottish government to provide expertise to Estonia • Widened demersal discards ban to remain in force until Brexit • New boat feature: Antares LK 419 • BOTW: Forever Faithful…

  • Boat of the Week: Forever Faithful PD 289

    Boat of the Week: Forever Faithful PD 289

    9th January 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Forever Faithful PD 289 LOA: 21.5m Built: Macduff Shipyards Ltd. Macduff 2016 Type: Twin-rig trawler Home port: Peterhead We’ll be back next week with our latest…

  • Building for the future at Peterhead

    Building for the future at Peterhead

    5th January 2017

    Work on the initial stages of Peterhead Port Authority’s £50m North Harbour development has progressed well in the first two months of construction, reports David Linkie. Above: Work in progress on the quay area on which Peterhead’s new 9,000-box fishmarket will…

  • New issue: Fishing News 05.01.17

    New issue: Fishing News 05.01.17

    2nd January 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Danger of fisheries being sidelined in Brexit talks • Highland and moray FLAG grants • Building for the future at Peterhead • The continuing evolution of moray firth seiner • BOTW: Kings…

  • Boat of the Week: Kings Cross PD 365

    Boat of the Week: Kings Cross PD 365

    2nd January 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Kings Cross PD 365 LOA: 78.75m Built: Karstensens Shipyard Skagen Denmark 2016 Type: Midwater trawler/purse-seiner Home port: Peterhead We’ll be back next week with our latest…

  • Four new builds by Macduff Shipyards

    Four new builds by Macduff Shipyards

    2nd January 2017

    In the week that the extensively refurbished seiner/trawler Opportune LK 209 was handed over to Shetland skipper Ross Christie, Macduff Shipyards also had four new builds at varying stages of completion, reports David Linkie. Above: Machinery installation and fitting-out work is…

  • Highland and Moray FLAG grants

    Highland and Moray FLAG grants

    2nd January 2017

    The Highland & Moray Fisheries Local Action Group is now accepting applications for grants. The group has been awarded £1,006,000 as part of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund community-led local development programme to support fishing, aquaculture and maritime industries…

  • Danger of fisheries being sidelined in Brexit talks

    Danger of fisheries being sidelined in Brexit talks

    2nd January 2017

    Lords report: ‘Expectations may be hard to deliver’ A new Parliamentary report on Brexit and Fisheries says the government faces ‘a huge challenge’ to achieve a successful outcome to the Brexit negotiation on fisheries, reports Tim Oliver. Above: Map showing…

  • Squid diaries – part 4

    Squid diaries – part 4

    30th December 2016

    Phil Lockley asks: “What have top-up cards got to do with squidding?” Regarding the layout and style of my squid gear, each year I have a new idea. Some go right and some are a complete flop. And the same…

  • Soho restaurateurs visit Peterhead

    Soho restaurateurs visit Peterhead

    29th December 2016

    In the week that saw Peterhead deliver a record-breaking 8,000-box market, London restaurateur duo, Jamie Poulton and his celebrity chef partner Ed Baines, from Randall & Aubin, were treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of the Scottish fishing industry, organised by…

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