
  • Brexit fisheries sell out

    Brexit fisheries sell out

    19th November 2018

    Brussels links fisheries access to trade The Brexit deal agreed last week explicitly gives the UK control of its EEZ as an independent coastal state, ending the automatic right of EU vessels to fish in UK waters, and relative stability…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 15.11.18

    New Issue: Fishing News 15.11.18

    13th November 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Gains and losses in 2019 TAC proposals – Inshore sector voices Brexit concerns – UK fishing fleet turnover reaches £1bn – Potting boat sinks off North Norfolk – MAIB report on…

  • Brussels reveals 2019 TACs

    Brussels reveals 2019 TACs

    12th November 2018

    Gains and losses in 2019 TAC proposals Proposed TACs for 2019 show increases for 27 of the 89 stocks involved, 35 to stay the same, and decreases for 22 stocks, reports Tim Oliver Of the main stocks of interest to…

  • Brussels takes hardest possible line on Brexit

    Brussels takes hardest possible line on Brexit

    29th January 2018

    Status quo in transition period and little change afterwards. The gloves came off in the Brexit fisheries negotiations as the Commission set out its stall to the 27 EU member states last week, reports Tim Oliver. The Commission is taking…

  • ‘Ban electric fishing’ group tells Brussels

    ‘Ban electric fishing’ group tells Brussels

    15th January 2018

    EU Parliament vote this week. A major battle is underway in the EU over pulse beam trawling between inshore fishermen and greens who want it banned, and the Dutch beam trawl sector, reports Tim Oliver. A coalition of EU inshore…


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