Fergus Ewing

  • Gougeon replaces Ewing as Scottish fisheries minister

    Gougeon replaces Ewing as Scottish fisheries minister

    25th May 2021

    Mairi Gougeon has been named as the new Scottish cabinet secretary for rural affairs and islands.  The post includes responsibility for fisheries, aquaculture, agriculture, and food and drink policy, as well as cross-government co-ordination of policies for island communities. She…

  • Brexit threat to exports

    Brexit threat to exports

    15th December 2020

    Exports delays fears – deal or no deal Paperwork and delays loom from 1 January Fish and seafood exporters will face hugely increased levels of paperwork, bureaucracy and delays at ports from 1 January whether there is a Brexit deal…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 30.05.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 30.05.19

    28th May 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Ewing Brexit warning – NFFO AGM – New Scottish safety body – ICES doubles mackerel TAC advice – €4m EU funding announced for Irish coastal projects – Skipper Expo International 2019…

  • Ewing Brexit warning

    Ewing Brexit warning

    28th May 2019

    Scottish minister spells out Brexit downsides Strategy to get best possible deal Brexit is ‘the story that never ends’, but Scotland needs to get the best deal in the next 12 months, whatever happens, reports Tim Oliver This was the…

  • Vision for Scots future

    Vision for Scots future

    11th March 2019

    Wide-ranging debate on Scots industry future Scotland’s fishing industry is being asked to take part in a wide-ranging discussion on the Scottish government’s vision for the future of fisheries, reports Tim Oliver Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing launched a national…

  • Brexit in turmoil

    Brexit in turmoil

    21st January 2019

    Landslide vote kills Brexit withdrawal bill No-deal exit or delay more likely The future of Brexit, and the future of the UK as an independent sovereign coastal state, looked highly uncertain after MPs crushed the EU withdrawal bill by a…

  • SFF annual dinner – opportunities must be seized and challenges overcome

    SFF annual dinner – opportunities must be seized and challenges overcome

    15th November 2018

    The 100 guests who attended the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation annual dinner in Edinburgh on 31 October heard four positive and challenging speeches from rural economy cabinet secretary Fergus Ewing, parliamentary secretary of state for Scotland and for Northern Ireland Lord…

  • Warnings on discards ban

    Warnings on discards ban

    5th November 2018

    Discards ban ‘will fail’ warns Scottish leader Calls for solutions to choke species problem The discards ban will fail in its present form, and politicians must find a solution to the problem of choke species it creates, a Scottish fishermen’s…

  • Hake choke will tie up North Sea fleet

    Hake choke will tie up North Sea fleet

    14th May 2018

    Scots minister calls on Eustice to act Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing has warned that Scottish North Sea vessels will be tied up early by North Sea hake becoming a choke species under the landing obligation. And he says that…

  • Ewing blasts transition

    Ewing blasts transition

    2nd April 2018

    Transition ‘worst possible’ deal for Scotland ‘Very serious objections’, Scots minister tells Gove Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing has slammed the transitional Brexit agreement and its effects on Scottish fishermen, and questioned the UK government’s approach to the forthcoming negotiations…


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