fish stocks

  • North Sea cod workshop planned this year

    North Sea cod workshop planned this year

    6th June 2022

    There are hopes for a more realistic TAC for North Sea cod next year, after ICES agreed to hold an international workshop later this year with industry representatives to look in-depth at the stock situation and stock assessments, reports Tim…

  • Four nations’ ministers launch far-reaching joint consultation

    Four nations’ ministers launch far-reaching joint consultation

    28th January 2022

    Consultation on the Joint Fisheries Statement, which could have huge implications for the UK fishing industry, was opened last week, with a joint press release quoting ministers from the UK government and the three devolved administrations. A key component of…

  • Four reasons to raise North Sea cod quotas

    Four reasons to raise North Sea cod quotas

    29th September 2021

    Shetland Fishermen’s Association executive officer Simon Collins puts the on-the-grounds case for realistic cod quotas next year If fisheries ministers and their officials are sick and tired about the fishing industry going on and on about North Sea cod quotas,…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 09.07.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 09.07.20

    7th July 2020

      – Foreign crews stranded – Georgina of Ladram’s maiden trip benefits Brixham Mission – ‘Huge reassurance’ for industry on Brexit talks – ‘Extensive consultations’ before fishing ban areas introduced – Ireland’s new marine minister from landlocked county – MCIB…

  • Fisheries Bill:  ‘watershed moment’ for industry

    Fisheries Bill:  ‘watershed moment’ for industry

    30th October 2018

    Fisheries Bill:  ‘watershed moment’ for industry By Michael Gove, Secretary of State Some of my earliest memories are of joining my dad at the fish merchant’s business he ran in Aberdeen. It was set up by my grandfather, and generations of my…


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