fisheries minister

  • Brixham trip for new fisheries minister

    Brixham trip for new fisheries minister

    18th July 2024

    Newly appointed fisheries minister Daniel Zeichner undertook his first official appointment in Brixham last week, taking in a tour of the market and processing facilities and making it aboard both an under-10m netter and a beamer. He then took part…

  • Daniel Zeichner: ‘Fishing communities deserve so much better’

    Daniel Zeichner: ‘Fishing communities deserve so much better’

    20th October 2022

    Writing ahead of last week’s Westminster fisheries debate, Daniel Zeichner, Labour’s shadow food, farming and fisheries minister, sets out his priorities on support for the industry The identity of the new fisheries minister has not yet been confirmed. Whoever it…

  • New Defra ministerial appointments confirmed

    New Defra ministerial appointments confirmed

    27th September 2022

    Defra has appeared to confirm that Mark Spencer (pictured above), the new minister of state at Defra, has taken on formal responsibility for fisheries. In the first press release from the department after the end of the official mourning period…

  • Gougeon replaces Ewing as Scottish fisheries minister

    Gougeon replaces Ewing as Scottish fisheries minister

    25th May 2021

    Mairi Gougeon has been named as the new Scottish cabinet secretary for rural affairs and islands.  The post includes responsibility for fisheries, aquaculture, agriculture, and food and drink policy, as well as cross-government co-ordination of policies for island communities. She…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 27.02.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 27.02.20

    25th February 2020

    – Scrap catch app campaign – Take back control, say Jersey fishermen – Fisheries bill moves to second reading – Mackerel ends – blue whiting starts – EU parliament chair: ‘Fisheries access must not change’ – New fisheries minister named…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 08.08.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 08.08.19

    6th August 2019

    – PM Brexit fishing pledge – ‘Revise discards ban rules urgently’ – Eustice back as fisheries minister -EU directs Ireland to investigate its application of CFP rules – Anglo-French deal to stop ‘scallop wars’ – No-deal Brexit ‘disastrous’ for UK…

  • Shellfish fleet warning

    Shellfish fleet warning

    3rd June 2019

    ‘Shellfish fleet growth must be stopped’ Strong demand and high prices for shellfish are driving an unsustainable increase in catching capacity in the shellfish fleet that must be addressed, reports Tim Oliver This was the warning voiced by shellfish sector…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 14.03.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 14.03.19

    12th March 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Vision for Scots future – Yorkshire coast MP is new UK fisheries minister – Parliamentarians to promote UK fishing – Boat arrests highlight Irish limits problem – No-deal Brexit guidance –…

  • UK Fisheries Minister engages with discussions with NFFO

    UK Fisheries Minister engages with discussions with NFFO

    30th July 2015

    Fisheries Minister, George Eustice, met recently in London with the NFFO’s Executive Committee to discuss the industry’s principal areas of current concern. The issues raised with the Minister reflected both the diversity of the Federation’s membership but also the complexity…


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