
  • Fisheries and Seafood Scheme: New funding rounds open

    Fisheries and Seafood Scheme: New funding rounds open

    7th September 2021

    On 25 August, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) opened four funding rounds for applications to help support the fishing and seafood sector in England. The time-limited competitive rounds, which are being delivered by the MMO on behalf of DEFRA under…

  • £1.8m Scottish marketing funding confirmed

    £1.8m Scottish marketing funding confirmed

    5th August 2021

    Funding of £1.8m has been announced to help Scottish seafood businesses recover from the severe economic impacts of Brexit and Covid-19. The funding, managed by trade marketing body Seafood Scotland, will support seafood businesses to access new markets within the…

  • Funding enables Scottish Fisheries Museum digitisation project

    Funding enables Scottish Fisheries Museum digitisation project

    16th July 2021

    A grant from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Digital Innovation and Engagement Fund is set to enable the Scottish Fisheries Museum’s Fish Net project, which will produce a digitised, publicly accessible archive.…

  • Investment at Mallaig set to reduce port’s carbon footprint

    Investment at Mallaig set to reduce port’s carbon footprint

    11th June 2021

    Improvements to power supplies at Mallaig harbour are set to reduce its carbon footprint and bring benefits to the fishing fleet, the chief executive of the harbour authority has said. Mallaig Harbour Authority received £207,410 for the installation of shore…

  • New issue: Fishing News 06.05.21

    New issue: Fishing News 06.05.21

    5th May 2021

    In this issue of Fishing News, our lead story is Tim Oliver’s report on Scotland’s whitefish sector facing a crisis over quota shortages and quotas that are well out of line with stock abundance. Read all about it here. Plus…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 15.04.21

    New Issue: Fishing News 15.04.21

    13th April 2021

    In this issue of Fishing News, our lead story is Tim Oliver’s report on DEFRA secretary George Eustice telling a Commons committee that DEFRA did fully understand the legal aspects of the EU ban on exports of live bivalve molluscs…

  • North of Tyne FLAG funding

    North of Tyne FLAG funding

    22nd December 2017

    Fishing communities from Berwick to North Shields are being urged to make the most of £600,000 of funding available to them before the UK exits the European Union. Above: Crews of potting boats at Seahouses will benefit from three new quayside…

  • £8.4m of EMFF funding announced for 86 projects in Scotland

    £8.4m of EMFF funding announced for 86 projects in Scotland

    18th August 2017

    Sea fisheries, aquaculture and processing businesses will receive a share of £8.4m funding to boost growth and protect jobs in their area. Above: The pier at Pierowall on Westray, Orkney is to be refurbished with the help of a £1.7m…

  • €28m for fishery harbour centres and projects in Ireland

    €28m for fishery harbour centres and projects in Ireland

    13th February 2017

    A €28m Capital Investment Package for the development of Ireland’s fishery harbour centres and local authority-owned small harbours networks was announced last week by Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, reports Pauric Gallagher. The six fishery harbour…

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