
  • Personal service companies: Tax implications for fishermen

    Personal service companies: Tax implications for fishermen

    25th November 2021

    Changes to IR35 legislation have implications for share fishermen paid via their own personal service company, explain the team at chartered accountant and business advisor Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP, which specialises in advising clients in the fishing industry Before…

  • MCA safety bulletin on lifting equipment issued

    MCA safety bulletin on lifting equipment issued

    2nd September 2021

    The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has issued a safety bulletin, following a number of near misses, accidents and a fatality, to remind owners, employers, skippers and crew of UK fishing vessels of their responsibilities during lifting operations. This bulletin…

  • Public Notice: Section 48 Planning Act 2008

    Public Notice: Section 48 Planning Act 2008

    24th August 2021

    Regulation 4 infrastructure planning (applications: prescribed forms and procedure) Regulations 2009 The Awely Y Môr offshore wind farm order 2021 Notice publicising a proposed application for a development consent order (‘DCO’) Notice is hereby given that Awel y Môr Offshore…


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