• Under-15m code: MCA delay puts catamaran build at risk

    Under-15m code: MCA delay puts catamaran build at risk

    16th November 2022

    BBC Solent, the local radio station covering the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Southampton and the surrounding area, ran a feature last week on the MCA under-15m code, with the presenter expressing bewilderment about its failure to sort basic issues, reports…

  • Get set for your out-of-water inspection

    Get set for your out-of-water inspection

    8th November 2022

    In the third of his series of articles, NFFO risk, safety and training lead Charles Blyth offers advice on preparing for the out-of-water inspection, now that the new MCA under-15m safety code is in force This week, we will take…

  • Get set for your in-water inspection

    Get set for your in-water inspection

    3rd November 2022

    In the second of a series of four articles, NFFO risk, safety and training lead Charles Blyth offers advice on preparing for your in-water inspection, now that the new MCA under-15m safety code is in force No matter what size…

  • Under-15m Code: New film for fishers

    Under-15m Code: New film for fishers

    24th October 2022

    The Seafarers’ Charity has funded a new information film to help fishermen meet the new MCA inspection standards. In partnership with the NFFO and supported by the Fishing Industry Safety Group, the film is aimed at helping all owners prepare…

  • British Seaman’s Card plan for fishers

    British Seaman’s Card plan for fishers

    19th October 2022

    A consultation is underway on plans by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to extend the use of the British Seaman’s Card (BSC) to fishermen. The BSC proves the holder is a seafarer, meaning they can have shore leave, and…

  • Cheetah Marine: ‘A tale of two Codes!’

    Cheetah Marine: ‘A tale of two Codes!’

    8th August 2022

    Following on from the reader’s letter in FN two weeks ago, where an owner with a vessel on order from Cheetah Marine claimed that any new boat he could build under the revised Code would have reduced stability compared to…

  • Fishing Within The Law: Enclosed space regulations onboard

    Fishing Within The Law: Enclosed space regulations onboard

    7th June 2022

    Solicitor and qualified fisher Jo Pummery shares inside information on how to navigate the regulations I don’t want to discourage you from reading this article by saying that the new 2022 regulations regarding entering and/ or working in enclosed spaces…

  • MCA: ‘Clarity needed on code concerns’

    MCA: ‘Clarity needed on code concerns’

    26th May 2022

    Fears that the new Code of Practice for the Safety of Small Fishing Vessels will require changes that render vessels unsafe are often due to misunderstandings, writes the Maritime and Coastguard Agency fishing safety team The Maritime and Coastguard Agency…

  • Time to consider enclosed space dangers

    Time to consider enclosed space dangers

    10th May 2022

    New rules to protect those working in enclosed spaces will come into force for fishing vessels next year, explains the MCA UK fishers will have a further year to make sure they are meeting incoming rules designed to improve safety…

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