• Anti-scampi campaign takes a twist

    Anti-scampi campaign takes a twist

    12th June 2024

    An NGO that has been trying for months to orchestrate a consumer boycott of scampi, and then attempted to get supermarkets to de-list scampi products, finally managed a mention on the BBC last week, with ITN expected to follow, after…

  • Raft of issues for east coast fishing industry

    Raft of issues for east coast fishing industry

    7th November 2023

    Medical certificates, NGO pressures on prawn trawling, a possible cod quota cut in 2024 and shellfish deaths linked to dredging in the river Tees are all major issues facing fishermen in the North East of England. These issues were spelled…

  • Defra threatened with legal action for exceeding ICES advice

    Defra threatened with legal action for exceeding ICES advice

    2nd October 2023

    The NGO Blue Marine Foundation has announced it is intending to take legal action against Defra. Its action, it says, aims to force Defra to restrict the issue of UK quotas to limits within ICES advice. In setting catch limits…

  • New report revives ‘overfishing’ claims

    New report revives ‘overfishing’ claims

    20th September 2023

    The UK fishing industry has been reacting to a report published last week by the international NGO Oceana claiming that five key UK stocks, including western mackerel and North Sea cod, are ‘overfished or critically low’. Recognising that ‘half of…

  • EU seeks ‘pact for fisheries and oceans’

    EU seeks ‘pact for fisheries and oceans’

    1st March 2023

    The European Union commissioner for environment, oceans and fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius says the EU is seeking to achieve a ‘pact’ between fisheries and the marine environment – but neither industry organisations nor environmental NGOs are happy about it, reports Lorna…

  • Guest blog: The most abhorrent occupation in the world?

    Guest blog: The most abhorrent occupation in the world?

    30th November 2022

    Magnus Johnson, a marine scientist at the University of Hull, published this column on his blog almost a decade ago, as readers with good memories may recall – but it remains just as pertinent today. We reprint it here with…

  • NGO invites fishers to crab and lobster symposium

    NGO invites fishers to crab and lobster symposium

    15th November 2022

    In support of wider moves across the UK to develop management plans for crab and lobster, fisheries NGO Blue Marine is hosting a one-day online symposium on 16 November, bringing together fishermen, fisheries managers and scientists from across the UK…

  • Whelk symposium seeks fishers’ views

    Whelk symposium seeks fishers’ views

    16th June 2022

    The NGO Blue Marine Foundation is hosting a free online Whelk Symposium on 22 June, from 2-6pm, to share current knowledge and support ongoing work to safeguard the long-term health of UK whelk populations and sustainable fisheries. Speakers and presenters…

  • Call for 18-fold increase in Irish MPAs

    Call for 18-fold increase in Irish MPAs

    14th June 2022

    A new report from Fair Seas, a campaign led by a coalition of Irish environmental NGOs and networks, identifies ‘areas of interest’ for potential Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Irish waters, and says that Irish MPAs must increase 18-fold by…


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