
  • Shetland midwater fleet changes underway

    Shetland midwater fleet changes underway

    23rd February 2017

    Three pelagic vessels left Shetland within a few hours of each other at the start of last week, to enter new eras, report Ivan Reid and David Linkie. Above: Antarctic II will return to Shetland later this year, looking very different…

  • Out and about in Shetland

    Out and about in Shetland

    30th January 2017

    The following selection of recent photographs encompasses the high degree of diversity that is one of the main characteristics of fishing in Shetland.

  • Shetland fishermen of the future

    Shetland fishermen of the future

    19th July 2016

    Ten potential new fishermen for the Shetland fleet have completed their introductory training at the NAFC Marine Centre The 10 students have successfully finished the three-week Seafish-funded Introduction to Commercial Fishing course. During their time at NAFC, the students have…

  • Boat News

    3rd February 2016

    Dave Linkie gives a round up of the latest boat news across the UK… Fraserburgh skipper orders 24m trawler with Whitby yard – Fraserburgh skipper Stephen West, of MB Good Design LLP, has placed an order for a new design of…

  • Double record for Shetland whitefish landings

    6th January 2016

    Records tumbled at Shetland’s last whitefish market of 2015, when the highest yearly landings, and most boxes in a single week in modern times, were recorded, reports David Linkie. Above: The Burra seine-netter Radiant Star landing some of the whitefish into…

  • Lerwick Harbour in focus

    Lerwick Harbour in focus

    16th December 2015

    Strategically located at the heart of Europe’s richest fishing grounds, Lerwick is the second busiest fishing port in Britain. In 2014, 69,973t of fish, with a value of £61.2m, were landed at Lerwick. Above: Stormbound – the Norwegian 80m pelagic…

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