
  • East Anglia’s fishery

    East Anglia’s fishery

    28th March 2019

    Disquiet on the eastern front – but a sole consolation As Brexit passes from delivery through dilution to disMay, East Anglia’s fishermen are no longer holding their breath. They’re just trying to get on with making a living. John Worrall…

  • Cornish fishermen challenge ‘nonsensical’ EU spurdog management

    Cornish fishermen challenge ‘nonsensical’ EU spurdog management

    2nd September 2015

    Cornish fishermen have reported an increasing amount of spurdog encounters over the past few months. Recently, a Newlyn-based trawler, fishing for John Dory around the Isles of Scilly, accidently caught over 10 tonnes of spurdog. This resulted in damage to…


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