
  • New Issue: Fishing News 09.07.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 09.07.20

    7th July 2020

      – Foreign crews stranded – Georgina of Ladram’s maiden trip benefits Brixham Mission – ‘Huge reassurance’ for industry on Brexit talks – ‘Extensive consultations’ before fishing ban areas introduced – Ireland’s new marine minister from landlocked county – MCIB…

  • Foreign crews stranded

    Foreign crews stranded

    6th July 2020

    Covid-19 leaves non-EEA crewmen stuck No travel and no money for laid-off men A significant number of foreign fishermen from non-EEA countries working on transit visas have been left high and dry because of the Covid-19 crisis, and are currently…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 22.08.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 22.08.19

    20th August 2019

      – ‘UK can’t protect EEZ’ – Sustainable fishing boosts EU fleet – Anglo-Spanish longliner remains stranded off Shetland – Mackerel as far north as Spitsbergen – French threaten Channel blockade – Agreement between vessels as Windsock reopened – Fire…


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