
  • Boat of the week: Felucca SO 108

    Boat of the week: Felucca SO 108

    1st November 2016

    Each week we bring you our Boat of the Week, taken from Fishing News Name: Felucca SO 108 LOA: 53.06m Built: Karstensens Shipyard Skagen Denmark 1995 Type: Midwater trawler Home port: Killybegs Co Donegal We’ll be back next week with our…

  • Boat of the Week: Felucca SO 108

    Boat of the Week: Felucca SO 108

    29th June 2016

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News Name: Felucca SO 108 LOA: 53.06m Built: Karstensens Shipyard Skagen Denmark 1995 Type: Midwater trawler Home port: Killybegs Co Donegal We’ll be back next week with our…

  • Boat of the Week 26.11.15 – Kirkella H 7

    Boat of the Week 26.11.15 – Kirkella H 7

    30th November 2015

    Each week we’ll be bringing you our pick of Boat of the Week taken from Fishing News. Every image has been photographed by editor David Linkie while at sea. Name: Kirkella H 7 LOA: 86.1m Built: Tersan Shipyard Yalova Turkey…

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