
  • New Issue: Fishing News 26.11.20

    New Issue: Fishing News 26.11.20

    24th November 2020

        – Export red tape fears – Low-key start to Manx king scallop fishery – Resolute arrives at Fraserburgh – Threat of 48-hour delays to move fish – Eleventh-hour Brexit talks continue – Wash Fishery Order replacement consultation –…

  • Wash cockles: mainly for the birds

    30th July 2020

    Environmental protections and coronavirus restrictions have combined to limit what should have been a bumper year for the Wash cockle fishery. John Worrall reports Let’s start with a list: Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the EU Habitats Directive Site…

  • The boat is floated – the Wash cockler, Baden Powell

    The boat is floated – the Wash cockler, Baden Powell

    31st August 2017

    After nearly two decades of restoration work, the 34ft 6in double-ended Wash cockler, Baden Powell LN 138 (Fishing News, 2 February, 2017) finally returned to the water in the Bentinck Dock, King’s Lynn last month, reports John Worrall. Above: A team…

  • The Wash fishery – shrinking pains?

    The Wash fishery – shrinking pains?

    22nd January 2017

    *Gallery of images on page 3 Nearly six years on from the establishment of the 10 Inshore Fishing and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs), the regulatory regime for inshore fisheries around England is tightening to a metaphorical soundtrack of muffled anguish and…


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