Full time Pilot Boat Coxswain/Marine Operative needed to work as part of the marine staff team.
This candidate should be able to start as soon as possible, marine experience is essential due to the nature of employment. General duties to include daily upkeep of all quays and jetties, the operation and maintenance of the pilot boat as well as any other duties which may be required in order to meet the operational needs of a busy Harbour.
On occasion, working out with normal hours will be required.
If you are interested in the above position an application form is available from Fraserburgh Harbour Commissioners, Harbour Office, Shore Street, Fraserburgh, AB43 9BR or it is available to download from our website through this link.
Completed applications should be submitted by: 15 July 2021 to either the Harbour office or emailed to Harbourmaster@fraserburgh-harbour.co.uk
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