
  • The master of the Girl Pat

    The master of the Girl Pat

    1st April 2021

    Exactly 85 years ago, swashbuckling Scottish skipper Dod Orsborne made a massive April Fool of his bosses when he stole the Grimsby seine-netter Girl Pat and sailed her into an 80-day, 5,000-mile chase that made him a worldwide celebrity. Brian…

  • Concern over non-quota catch records

    Concern over non-quota catch records

    29th March 2021

    Little data on valuable catches in UK and EU waters There is growing concern in the industry that EU boats are catching large amounts of non-quota species in UK waters which are not being recorded, and that the vessels are…

  • Recycled currach launched on St Patrick’s Day

    Recycled currach launched on St Patrick’s Day

    26th March 2021

    An Irish fishing currach, built in Spain using only recycled and salvaged materials, was launched on St Patrick’s Day last week, reports Lorna Siggins. A currach made from recycled materials by Irish artist Mark Redden… Named Saoirse, the Irish word…

  • Capturing reality, past and present

    Capturing reality, past and present

    26th March 2021

    A new documentary focusing on fishermen in the Outer Hebrides aims to show the human side of the industry. Rachael Harper speaks to director Alastair Cole about his film Iorram “We wanted to be part of the conversation around the…

  • Seafarers Hospital Society celebrates 200 years

    Seafarers Hospital Society celebrates 200 years

    19th March 2021

    The Seafarers Hospital Society has celebrated its 200th birthday with a virtual tea party, including cake and candles, with leftover cake being distributed to working and retired seafarers at Queen Victoria Seamen’s Rest in London’s East India Dock Road. Though…

  • Lowestoft: of herring and a harbour

    Lowestoft: of herring and a harbour

    12th March 2021

    Fishing from Lowestoft was transformed by an ambitious piece of 19th-century engineering. John Worrall reports It was mainly about herring, going back as far – and further – than we can trace. Landings at Lowestoft increased dramatically with the greater…

  • Deal: tradition and change

    Deal: tradition and change

    11th March 2021

    In the Kent town of Deal, a ‘limb’ of the Cinque Ports, fishing is now mostly about preserving heritage, reports John Periam Fishing boats on Deal beach as recently as 2001. David Skardon’s boat Fair Chance with a day’s catch.…

  • Stormy times at Peterhead

    Stormy times at Peterhead

    6th March 2021

    Following the sustained period of severe weather that has restricted fishing all around the UK, boats were starting to head out again from Peterhead in the middle of last week. Orion BF 432 makes for shelter at Peterhead after a…

  • South Devon IPA: Fishing in harmony

    South Devon IPA: Fishing in harmony

    4th March 2021

    Co-management is a current buzz-word – but on the Devon coast, it’s nothing new. The South Devon Inshore Potting Agreement is a longstanding exemplar of what can be achieved by fishermen working together, reports Holly Kaiser The south coast of…

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