
  • Readers’ Photos

    Readers’ Photos

    21st August 2020

    These photographs have been sent in by Fishing News readers. A selection of readers’ photos will be printed whenever possible, and at the end of the year, £100 will be awarded to the reader whose photo is judged the best…

  • Ocean Harvest and Harvester pair-seining

    Ocean Harvest and Harvester pair-seining

    13th August 2020

    David Linkie looks back 12 years to the maiden pair-seining trip of the innovative sisterships Harvester PD 98 and Ocean Harvest PD 198, built by Karstensens shipyard, which marked a significant milestone for the Scottish whitefish fleet The intensive work…

  • Yorkshire port aims to be ‘lobster capital of Europe’

    Yorkshire port aims to be ‘lobster capital of Europe’

    6th August 2020

    A plan is in hand to raise the profile of the East Yorkshire port of Bridlington by linking its fishing industry to tourism, reports Tim Oliver The development stems from a study carried out by Hull University, ‘Project Pincer 2’,…

  • Marine management through Covid-19 and beyond

    Marine management through Covid-19 and beyond

    1st August 2020

    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has had to adapt its way of working, but communication remains key, reports John Periam Paul Johnson, the MMO’s principal officer for the South East, has been with the regional team in Sussex since 1993,…

  • Wash cockles: mainly for the birds

    30th July 2020

    Environmental protections and coronavirus restrictions have combined to limit what should have been a bumper year for the Wash cockle fishery. John Worrall reports Let’s start with a list: Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the EU Habitats Directive Site…

  • Scaffie yawl Anne joins historic fleet at Bridlington

    Scaffie yawl Anne joins historic fleet at Bridlington

    29th July 2020

    The easing of the Covid-19 restrictions has enabled sailing to get underway again in Bridlington, with the Bridlington Sailing Coble Preservation Society (BSCPS) fleet of traditional sailing cobles back on the water, whilst crews maintain social distancing rules. Sadly, many…

  • New west coast by-catch reduction app available

    New west coast by-catch reduction app available

    24th July 2020

    The latest version of an app co-designed by Scottish skippers to assist them in avoiding high catches of unwanted choke species is now available online. BATmap, or By-catch Avoidance Tool Using Mapping, allows a skipper to securely share their real-time…

  • Opportune: twin-rig prawn trawling

    Opportune: twin-rig prawn trawling

    17th July 2020

    David Linkie looks back 23 years to a five-day trip on the Fraserburgh twin-rig prawn trawler Opportune BF 19 Eight hours after throwing off the ropes, on the ‘back o’ Sunday night’ at the Broch, Opportune settled her gear in…


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