
  • POs are failing small boat fishermen

    POs are failing small boat fishermen

    27th December 2017

    Brussels must review PO rules says LIFE report. Failure to properly recognise and regulate POs across the EU is failing small-scale fishermen and the CFP, according to an in-depth study, reports Tim Oliver. The study says there is increasing interest…

  • North of Tyne FLAG funding

    North of Tyne FLAG funding

    22nd December 2017

    Fishing communities from Berwick to North Shields are being urged to make the most of £600,000 of funding available to them before the UK exits the European Union. Above: Crews of potting boats at Seahouses will benefit from three new quayside…

  • Festive lights and spirit at Peterhead and Whitby

    Festive lights and spirit at Peterhead and Whitby

    19th December 2017

    Hundreds of Christmas lights are now illuminating the night skies over Peterhead, the UK’s leading port, reports David Linkie. Above: James Corbett and crew of Sparkling Star UL 290 in festive mode – including PFDs – Turn to page 8 for…

  • Boat of the Week: Our Hazel UL 543

    Boat of the Week: Our Hazel UL 543

    19th December 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Our Hazel UL 543 LOA: 19.97m Built: Astilleros Armon Navia Spain 1994 Type: Vivier crabber Home Port: Ullapool We’ll be back next week with our latest boat…

  • New issue: Fishing News 21.12.17

    New issue: Fishing News 21.12.17

    19th December 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Comprehensive report: Overall 2018 TACs positive but some big cuts • Festive lights and spirit at Peterhead and Whitby • BOTW: Our Hazel UL 543 • North Uist orange lobsters delivered…

  • Overall 2018 TACs positive but some big cuts

    Overall 2018 TACs positive but some big cuts

    18th December 2017

    Bass, Celtic Sea and west of Scotland problems. UK and Irish fishermen will have more quota for most species in 2018, following last week’s Fisheries Council, reports Tim Oliver. But there are cuts in some important species on the west…

  • Unity N 292 for Kilkeel

    Unity N 292 for Kilkeel

    13th December 2017

    The latest addition to N Ireland’s fleet, the versatile trawler Unity N 292, recently started fishing from Kilkeel after being purchased from Denmark as Kirstine Vendelbo by the Glenluce Fishing Company, in a sale brokered by Atlantic Shipping A/S, reports…

  • Boat of the Week: Pilot Star B 85

    Boat of the Week: Pilot Star B 85

    13th December 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Pilot Star B 85 LOA: 16.32m Built: J Watt & Sons Banff 1964 Type: Trawler Home port: North Shields We’ll be back next week with our latest…

  • SFO slams Scots landings target

    SFO slams Scots landings target

    12th December 2017

    Scotland and the UK’s biggest FPO has come out strongly against Marine Scotland’s proposals to force Scottish-registered vessels to land 55% of their catches in Scotland, reports Tim Oliver. In its reply to Marine Scotland’s consultation, the Scottish Fishermen’s Organisation…

  • New issue: Fishing News 14.12.17

    New issue: Fishing News 14.12.17

    11th December 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Quotas up for North Sea shared stocks • New Boats 2017 P2 • BOTW: Pilot Star B 85 • South East England – 2017 review • Feature: Zaranathax refitted at C…

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