
  • Boat of the Week: Harvester BM 127

    Boat of the Week: Harvester BM 127

    12th September 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Harvester BM 127 LOA: 14.96m Built: Riverside Fabrications Ltd Falmouth 1999 Type: Beamer/scalloper Home port: Brixham We’ll be back next week with our latest boat focus. Got…

  • Antarctic II returns to Shetland following extensive upgrade

    Antarctic II returns to Shetland following extensive upgrade

    12th September 2017

    The new-look Shetland midwater trawler Antarctic II LK 145 returned to Lerwick at the beginning of this month to quickly rig out for the North Sea herring fishery following an extensive vessel upgrade and lengthening project in Norway, reports David…

  • Scrabster harbour £1 million ice plant opened

    Scrabster harbour £1 million ice plant opened

    12th September 2017

    A new £1m quayside ice plant at Scrabster harbour, which is able to produce 30 tonnes of ice per day and has storage capacity of 60 tonnes, was officially opened by Scottish Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy & Connectivity…

  • Scottish vessels must land 55% of catches in Scotland

    Scottish vessels must land 55% of catches in Scotland

    11th September 2017

    Pelagic catchers angry at new consultation. Scottish pelagic fishermen are angry over new Scottish economic links proposals that will force all Scottish over-10m vessels to land at least 55% of their catches into Scotland, reports Tim Oliver. Above: The Gardenstown-owned midwater…

  • New issue: Fishing News 14.09.17

    New issue: Fishing News 14.09.17

    11th September 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Scottish vessels must land 55% of catches in Scotland • Feature: Venture III BF 326 • Scrabster Harbour £1m ice plant opened • Scallop stocks filmed in major new assessment •…

  • Boat news: September 2017

    Boat news: September 2017

    7th September 2017

    Diligent Jo – Arklow Marine completes hi-spec 14.95m twin-rig trawler The 14.95m twin-rig trawler Diligent Jo LT 1045 is expected to start fishing from Plymouth later this month after running successful sea trials off Arklow, Co Wicklow last week, reports…

  • New issue: Fishing News 07.09.17

    New issue: Fishing News 07.09.17

    4th September 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Work underway on UK Fish Council issues • Feature: Faithlie FR 220 • Boat news: Diligent Jo, Adenia and Britannia V • Women in Ireland’s Seafood Industry discuss Professional Networking Forum…

  • December Council: work underway on UK Fish Council issues

    December Council: work underway on UK Fish Council issues

    4th September 2017

    NFFO: ‘December talks still crucial until Brexit’ Problems facing fishermen over bass, skates and rays and spurdogs were among a wide range of issues discussed last week as vital pre-December Council talks between the industry and government got underway, reports…

  • Minister Creed makes decision on fleet capacity review

    Minister Creed makes decision on fleet capacity review

    31st August 2017

    Following a public consultation process, which received 26 submissions, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed announced his decision on the fleet capacity review, reports Pauric Gallagher. The policy review relates to separate proposals from the Irish South & West…

  • The boat is floated – the Wash cockler, Baden Powell

    The boat is floated – the Wash cockler, Baden Powell

    31st August 2017

    After nearly two decades of restoration work, the 34ft 6in double-ended Wash cockler, Baden Powell LN 138 (Fishing News, 2 February, 2017) finally returned to the water in the Bentinck Dock, King’s Lynn last month, reports John Worrall. Above: A team…

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