choke species

  • New west coast by-catch reduction app available

    New west coast by-catch reduction app available

    24th July 2020

    The latest version of an app co-designed by Scottish skippers to assist them in avoiding high catches of unwanted choke species is now available online. BATmap, or By-catch Avoidance Tool Using Mapping, allows a skipper to securely share their real-time…

  • Discards ban is working – Unwanted catches are being reduced

    Discards ban is working – Unwanted catches are being reduced

    10th June 2019

    Skippers fishing more selectively The discards ban is reducing unwanted catches as fishermen modify their gear and fishing to fish more selectively, reports Tim Oliver But concerns remain about the dangers of choke species closing fisheries early, and the industry…

  • Discards ban shambles

    Discards ban shambles

    11th February 2019

    Government ‘all at sea’ over discards ban – Lords report slams lack of preparation despite long phase-in The government is not in a position to implement or enforce the discards ban that is now in force for all quota species, reports…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 29.11.18

    New Issue: Fishing News 29.11.18

    27th November 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Quota reallocation pledge – Soph-Ash-Jay 3 joins JAS-N at Burnmouth – ‘No link between fisheries and trade’, says government – KFO encouraged by UK-EU declaration – Bass not a discards species…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 10.05.2018

    New Issue: Fishing News 10.05.2018

    8th May 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Choke Species Warning • Victory for NE netsmen • SFF and NFFO joint Brexit statement • Claire Nouvian – Woman who declared war on pulse beaming • West Wales Fishing •…

  • Industry leaders warn of discards ban chaos

    Industry leaders warn of discards ban chaos

    20th March 2017

    Radical action needed to cope with choke species. Above: The common dab (Limanda limanda) is native to shallow seas around Northern Europe. Industry leaders north and south of the border are warning of a catastrophic situation if radical steps are…


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