
  • Threat of bottom trawl ban in 13 MPAs

    Threat of bottom trawl ban in 13 MPAs

    26th January 2023

    The MMO has launched a consultation on proposals to ban bottom trawling in another 13 MPAs in English waters, reports Tim Oliver. They are the latest stage in ‘an ambitious programme to protect all 40 English offshore MPAs from harmful…

  • Legal moves to halt Tees dredging

    Legal moves to halt Tees dredging

    12th January 2023

    North East fishermen call for urgent judicial review Fishermen in North East England have started legal proceedings over the mass die-offs of shellfish and other marine life in the Tees and North Yorkshire coast region, reports Tim Oliver. Lawyers Leigh…

  • Legal move to ban boiling live crustaceans

    Legal move to ban boiling live crustaceans

    12th July 2021

    Threat to entire shellfish supply chain It will become illegal to boil crabs and lobsters alive, or send live lobsters through the post, if legislation now going through parliament is passed, reports Tim Oliver. Last week, peers in the House…

  • All coming out in the Wash

    All coming out in the Wash

    7th May 2021

    The approaching expiry of the Wash Fishery Order has brought the growing disquiet about local fishery management to a head. John Worrall reports… There is a funny smell around the doings of Eastern IFCA. It isn’t the whiff of rotting…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 15.04.21

    New Issue: Fishing News 15.04.21

    13th April 2021

    In this issue of Fishing News, our lead story is Tim Oliver’s report on DEFRA secretary George Eustice telling a Commons committee that DEFRA did fully understand the legal aspects of the EU ban on exports of live bivalve molluscs…

  • Brexit and the legalities

    Brexit and the legalities

    27th July 2016

    Andrew Oliver of Hull-based Andrew Jackson Solicitors outlines the general legalities and practicalities associated with the UK leaving the EU as a result of the recent referendum   Andrew Oliver of Andrew Jackson Solicitors. When I started to write this…

  • Cornish fishermen challenge ‘nonsensical’ EU spurdog management

    Cornish fishermen challenge ‘nonsensical’ EU spurdog management

    2nd September 2015

    Cornish fishermen have reported an increasing amount of spurdog encounters over the past few months. Recently, a Newlyn-based trawler, fishing for John Dory around the Isles of Scilly, accidently caught over 10 tonnes of spurdog. This resulted in damage to…


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